A Stormy Night

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"America, Canada, it's time to get up," England says as he enters the boys' room. The two small children were still peacefully sleeping even though the smell of pancakes and bacon wafted into the room. "Come on boys. Breakfast is getting cold," England says as he uncovers his sons so that they'll get up. Canada, as usual, was the first one up.

"Good morning Papa Iggy," Canada says sitting up.

"Good morning. Now head downstairs to eat breakfast," England says to him.

"Okay," Canada says, then hops down from his bed. He then exits the room.

"I heard something about breakfast," America mumbles as he sat up, rubbing his eyes.

"Breakfast is ready down stairs," England says.

"Okay," America says jumping down from his bed and running downstairs.


The rest of the day contunued as usual, and now, it was time for America and Canada to go to bed. However, they were reluctant, since, though it was only raining now, thunder could be heard in the distance.

"But Papa, you know we hate storms," Canada says clinging to France as France tries to put him in bed.

"Oui, I know. But this storm is far off. By the time you fall asleep, it will be no closer," France says to Canada, reassuring him.

"But Dad," America begins.

"No 'but's. You're both big boys. It's just a little thunder. You won't even notice it when you're sleeping," France says tucking in Canada, then America. "Now, would you boys like a bedtime story?"

"Yeah," both boys say at the same time.

"Alright which story would you boys like?" France asks going over to the bookshelf.

"You should pick one, Papa," Canada suggests.

"Yeah," America agrees.

"How about this one?" France says looking at the book. Deciding it was good, France sat down in the chair and read the story. It was a story about a gracious king and his valiant steed who were on a quest to slay a dragon. The king and his steed first had to consult the panda, the rose, and a lake spirit before they were able to reach the dragon. When France was done telling the story, both America and Canada were asleep. France put the book back and made sure each child was covered up and comfortable. He also made sure that Kumajuro was comfortable on his new bed, since Kuma had grown too big to sleep on Canada's bed. After everything was taken care of, France left the room, and let the boys sleep.


"Daddy. Daddy. Daddy wake up," America said pulling on England's sleeve.

"Hm? What is it America?" England asks sitting up in bed.

"I wet the bed again," America said, a sound of shame in his voice.

"Alright. I'll get your bathwater and get it heated up while you get your blanket and sheets off your bed."

"Okay," America says running off to his room.

England quickly lights a candle so he can see and heads to America and Canada's room to light a candle for America. Then, he heads outside to get the water for America's bath.


England was gathering the sheets and blankets America had left on the floor when lightning flashed, followed soon after by a rumble of thunder loud enough to shake the windows. This wakes Canada up.

"Papa Iggy," Canada says when he notices England in the room.

"Yes Canada?" England asks.

"I don't like storms," Canada says.

"I know. You can sleep in mine and France's room. Just wake France up and tell him that both you and America will be sleeping with us," England says to Canada.

"Okay. Can Kuma come with?" Canada asks, getting off the bed.

"Yes, but keep him off the bed until me and America get there."

"Okay. Thanks Papa Iggy," Canada says leaving the room.


"Papa. Papa. Papa wake up," Canada says moving France's arm, since France doesn't wear shirts to bed. France groans and turns away from Canada.

"Papa," Canada says lightly tugging on France's hair.

"Alright, alright. I'm up," France says sitting up. "What is it?"

Before Canada can answer France, lightning flashed and almost at the same time thunder rumbled, causing small, little Canada to hug France's arm in fright.

"Ah, I see. Well, get up here," France says helping Canada up on to the bed. Shortly after they were joined America, who crawled in bed right next to his brother.


England enters the bedroom to see France, America, and Canada playing rock-paper-scissors.

"Rock, paper, scissors," the three of them chant before forming the shapes with their hands.

"How do you keep winning, America? Are you sure you're not cheating?" France teases America.

"How would you even cheat at this game? And I don't always win. Canadia won a few games, and so did you," America defends.

"Alright boys. I think that's enough games," England says, walking over to them.

"Okay Daddy," America says, moving over so England could get in bed. After England had gotten in, everyone got situated.

"Come on Kuma," Canada calls to his bear which had stayed on the floor until now. While getting on the bed, Kuma had stepped on a rather sensitive area of France.

"Hello, Kuma," France said in response, pain obvious in his voice.

After that, the family got comfortable. Everyone fell asleep snuggled together, America and Canada feeling safe sleeping in between their fathers.

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