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This day will suppose to be a rest day for me, but Emma called me out of nowhere. As a result, I rushed over to Mikey's house and I'm currently banging his door because I'm sure he's still sleeping even though it's already 9 in the morning.

I keep on slamming his door with my fist when I heard a loud groan coming from inside. I eventually swung the door open by myself because Mikey will surely be too lazy to get up and open it for me.

I saw Mikey cuddling his pillow facing me. His eyes are closed but I can see his eyebrows furrowing as if he is forcing his eyes to keep it shut.

"Mikey..." I called in a soft low voice.

Mikey didn't answer. He just groaned softly and shifted more on his bed hugging his pillow under his thick blanket.

"Kenchin, close the door. I'm freezing", he silently commanded.

"Huh? What are you saying? The door is closed. You probably didn't dress well again?," I answered knowing that he probably didn't wear any pajamas.

Again, I  didn't receive any response. I sighed in defeat and sat on the bed to reach for him.  I carefully pat his cheek just to wake his consciousness.

I just earned a soft "Kenchin..."  from him as he buried his face more on his pillow.

"Stop Kenchin Kenchin me. Wake the fuck up, we're going somewhere," I groaned.

And again, he didn't respond.

I  immediately grabbed the pillow that he is hugging and carefully slam it on his head. I'm sure that doesn't hurt because I didn't hear any negative noise from him.

Mikey made a defeated sigh and finally turned to face me.

He rubbed his eyes—strands of hair all over his face— as he yawned loudly before he slowly sat up and leaned against the headboard of his bed.
I saw him brought his knees up on his chest which made his exposed skin on his thighs shiver more.

I was correct, he didn't wear any warm clothes for his lower body. He's just wearing a gray boxers that was— I'm sure— still his yesterday's clothes.

"What is it now?" his voice is groggy yet just enough for me to hear it.

I got up from the soft bed and walked towards the couch a few meters away. I comfortably rested my back against the couch and breathed sharply.

"About Emma—"

"Kenchin you went to the wrong place, Emma and I have a different house. How many times do I have to say that?" Mikey interrupted, rubbing his neck, and finally swung his feet to leave his bed.

I guess it's a good thing that he had put carpets all over his room so that he would not be bothered with the cold cemented floor.

I clicked my tongue and flushed a glare towards him.

"I'm not yet done talking," I threatened.

I saw Mikey shrug and walked towards me. He threw himself to the couch just beside where I'm sitting.

I just stared at Mikey for a minute and had the chance to examine his current face.
His blond hair is a mess because of the absence of his hair tie. He is casually pouting— his cheeks are puffy— staring at the ceiling. His eyes are half-lidded as if he's about to snap back to sleep.

Mikey suddenly glanced at me and flashed a cheeky smile.

"So?" he sneered.

I simply cleared my throat, not breaking my stare towards him when he talked again.

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