The Last Therion | Part Two

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Velvet pinned the Seraph under her piercing gaze, studying the spirit's movement. He swept a glance in disinterest and looked over at the temple behind, recognizing Maotelus standing guard in front of its gate.

Rokurou, Eizen, Lailah and Eleanor stood shoulder by shoulder alongside Velvet. Rokurou jerked his chin at the seraph, eager to put him down. "Is this one of the things responsible for the attack?"

Magilou joined them and crossed her arms over her chest. A sense of uncertainty flitted behind her eyes as she squinted into Seraph's face. "This thing seems to be different from what we've faced, idiot. So don't be hasty." Magilou advised.

Eleanor's instincts alarmed the presence of the Seraph too, feeling a sickening dread in her stomach. "What is that thing?"

Velvet stepped closer, raising her voice at the Seraph. "Are you the one responsible for all this?"

The Seraph's gaze shifted to Velvet, acknowledging her presence. His voice was cold and emotionless, devoid of any life. "You are... her. I expected something more intimidating."

Velvet raised her therion arm, coiling in in a fist. "Why don't you ask the daemon I devoured?"

The Seraph looked at her arm, noticing it radiating with magic and malevolence. "If she fell to you, that means she was weak. Every insignificant creature yields to a greater force and the cycle continue."

Eizen came closer, punching his hands together. "Why don't you try and find out for yourself? We defeated more dangerous threats than you."

The Seraph broke eye contact and stared at Maotelus, ignoring the team completely. "You have not earned my attention." He bent and sat on an invisible chair, putting his leg over another in total calm. His body began to levitate from the ground, going up high.

Rokurou jumped forward in anger. "Oi! Where do you think you're going?! Come back here and fight!"

The Seraph waved his hand and howls of despair shriek from the jungle behind him. They spotted pairs of glowing crimson eyes piercing the darkness and coming straight at them.

"Daemons!" Lailah yelled, positioning herself beside them and raising her arms, ready to conjure her fire artes.

The ground shook beneath their feet. Velvet squinted into the darkness of the jungle, sensing an overwhelming horde coming right at them. "There are a lot of them! Get ready!"

The bushes and small trees burst into hundreds of pieces as werewolves zoomed out of the jungle rabidly.

Rokurou charged them head-on and pulled both long swords at the same time. "Here I go!"

The daemons stormed him with their greater number. They extended their piercing claws, pouncing toward him.

Rokurou's left eye flared up in bloodlust and a wide grin formed across his face in excitement. "Feed my blades!" The swordsman threw a wide slash from his blade. The first swung cut the air and then slashed straight through their flesh, cutting the first wave of daemons with precision.

"Four!" He counted his kills and switched his attention to the next horde.

Before he could engage, Eizen passed him with great speed and pulled his coiled fist. His bracelet lit up with earth magic and he smacked it into the leading daemon. His punch broke the Lycan's jaw and an orb of magic entered its skull. The earthen power burst out of the daemon's body and the magic wave hit the group behind them. The ensuing mana ate away at the daemons and their bodies were reduced into atoms, disappearing under the brilliant green light.

"Four for me!" Eizen yelled and turned to Rokurou with a satisfying smile.

Rokurou nodded. "You want to resume our bet from two years ago?" The swordsman couldn't be happier as he waved his swords around him, shifting into a battle stance. "Let's go, then!"

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