Chapter 1

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7 years later

"Shit" I hissed. The sound of my phone ringing, had made me jump which had caused the curling iron I was using to burn the palm of my hand. I quickly rushed to the bathroom in a hurry in search to ease the pain.
It sizzled under the faucet as the cold water ran against the sensitive skin.

"Madi, your still coming tonight, right?" My friend Kelsey shouted down her mobile.
"I think Tanners gonna be there" she also teased.
My stomach did flips at the sound of Tanner's name.
"Gosh kels, calm it yeah, and of course, who's party is it anyways?" I answered with a smile.
"I don't know actually, i think Darla King's she's the one who invited us, plus it's at her house" You could say that me and Kelsey were 'frenemies' with Darla. We pretend were friends to eachothers face, and that we have absoloutly no problem with the other, when behind closed doors she's a bitch, and not to mention a total slag. She's probably talking shit about us right now. She's never liked us, and we have no idea why, but over time, the feelings just became mutual.
"Urgh, remind me not to accept compliment s from her, she won't mean them" I sighed down the line.
There was a slight laugh from Kelsey "Don't worry b, she's just jealous because your a hot mamacita, and she's a washed out rag, ahah, anyway I'll pick you up at 9, so i'll leave you to get ready, chow chicka"
"See you later" I whispered as I clicked the end call button.

I continued to curl my dark brown hair into soft curls, and I applied light makeup which accentuated my eyes. I remember when i was 12 i tried on some of my mums makeup, I thought I did quite well and that I looked pretty, but Justin scolded me for it and told me I was never to wear it again, he told me that I didn't need it and that I was good enough as I was. I laughed at the thought of the past, and then a sudden surge of anger rose within me for ever letting someone boss and push me around for so long. I hated reminiscing on that period of time in my life. It always unsettled me.

When I was satisfied with my look I went to put on my outfit.
It was a white lacey dress that complimented my body shape well, by hugging my curves. The top half and neckline was a sort of cami- style that showed a small amount of clevage, while the straps came over my shoulders and crossed neatly at the back.
I was looking in the mirror and admiring the dress, I thought I looked decent, I'm not vain, and I know I'm not gorgeous, but i wasn't ugly either.

The sound of Kelsey honking her car horn from ouitside had probably echoed down the whole street. I laughed, she was way too perky for my liking sometimes, even though I do love her to pieces.

I quickly grabbed my purse containing my necessity's, such as my phone, money, you know, the usual and shouted my goodbyes to my mum and step-dad.

"You look hot" Kelsey voiced as I got in her black Audi a3.
"Thanks, but look at you" I hugged her in greeting.
She was wearing a black dress, the clevage area was lacey along with the arms, and the bottom came out in a flowy fashion. To match, her makeup was sexy with a smokey eye, but simple gloss covered her lips. She did look gorgeous.

--- --- --- --- --- ---- ---

The ride to the party was just general catch-up-with-the-gossip conversation between me and Kelsey. The amount of drama that goes on at our school is seriously unbelievable.
As we were pulling up, i took some time to notice how big her house actually was, just the outside was bigger than three houses on my street put together. You could hear the music from outside it was so loud, and when we got inside I could hardly hear myself think, blasting from the speakers in every corner of the house was Fuse ODG's track 'Tina'.
It was crowded aswell, we had to literally push past people grinding and dancing to just get out of the main entrance of her home.
"Madi, Kelsey!" The sickly high pitched voice of Darla King's screeched in my ears.
"You made it!"
"Heey" me and Kelsey reluctantly, but politely replied.
Darla's outfit barely covered her butt, and if her dress got any tighter her whole boobs would be on display, even though they were scarsely close to it already.
"Come to the kitchen, grab a drink" we followed her into her enormous kitchen, her desktops littered with red plastic cups and in the far corner I could see a table lined with a lot of alcohol.
She poured me and Kels a drink and started convosation.
"When did you guys get here?"
"We've only been here about 15 minutes, it took us about 10 just to get through the hallway" Kelsey laughed.
"Oh my gosh, I know, it's crazy, it's so busy I haven't even seen Justin yet, but I know he's here cause he text me about an hour ago to say he'd arrived"
I froze.
"W-who?" I stuttered. It could be any Justin, there were plenty of people with that name the world, plus he's in LA, he couldn't be here. But still every time I heard that name it brought chills to travel up the length of my spine.
"Justin, it's his welcome home party! You remember him right, Justin Bieber? Well of course you know him, because he's like super famous but I mean like, before hand he used to go to maple high, although he left in like 8th grade, to become a superstar. Ahah, anywayy he's back, and since he hasn't visited since he left here in like 6, is it 6 or 7 years, gosh its been so long, I thought I'd throw him a huge party, so he can see everyone again you know"
I hardly heard Darla blabbering on, she lost me at 'Justin Bieber'. All I could think about from then on was 'Shit, I had to get the fuck out of here before he see's me'. Or was it before I see him? Maybe it was because I was scared that as soon as looked into his honey-like orbs, I would melt right back into his arms again, and I'd be his puppet just like before.
The clay that he could just mould into whatever he liked. I knew he was here for me, he always kept his promises, and the one that he made the day that he left was way more prominent and important to him than any of the others he had made in the past. He had made that pretty clear.
I was about to throw up. Suddenly the walls had started to close in on me, and I needed some air, sharpish.
"Mads, you okay?" Kelsey asked.
"We have to get outta here" I whispered.
I started to pace through the people in the kitchen to try and make my way to the front door, and now that my mind was completely set on that task, it seemed to have made it take so much longer.
My head was down, as I didnt want to be seen, I was doing my best to blend in and push through at the same time.
"MADI! MADI" I could still hear the faint cry of Kelsey's voice calling me. I really wish she would stop shouting my freaking name. She's attracting attention. I knew I should've changed it when I had the chance. Fear rose within' me at the thought of him hearing and then recognising my name.

I was pushed into a tough chest and was almost thrown backwards until I felt a pair of muscular arms pull me into them, stopping me from falling flat on my ass.
"Madison, are you okay?" They asked in a husky, but so very sexy voice.
I looked up into Tanner's concerned , sparkling green orbs.
So much for falling on my ass, I coldve melted on my ass right then and there, just because of the small gap between our lips.
I so wanted to stay and talk to the georgeous boy, but I knew if I didn't want to be seen by him, I had to run.
"I-i-i'm sorry, I need to go" before he could answer, I had carried on pushing through the hurds.

As my head was focused on the ground, a very familiar bright red pair of supra sneakers caught my eye. My mind went blank and I went still amongst the crowd. And in that moment, as I was standing between a brunch of pissed teenagers, eating each others faces. I did the unthinkable, the stupidest thing I could've done in the situation that i was currently in.
I slowly looked up.
Sagged pants, that i remember his mum forever telling him to pull up, a tight, black v-neck that you could see his defined abs show through. Dirty blonde hair in a perfect quiff, sat neatly under a snapback placed backwards on the top of his head. The soft pink lips that always looked so inviting, and even though a pair of sunglasses framed his face, I knew it was him.
Puberty had done the kid justice, I'll give him that.

As though he felt someone's eyes watching him, his head turned in my direction.
Panic rose from the pit of my stomach as I didn't even wait to see his reaction, or whether he had noticed me, I flung around to go back in the direction I had came, the opposite from where he was stood.
When I came to the kitchen, Kelsey nor Darla was longer there, but just a bunch or teenage boys huddled around a rectangular table playing beer pong.
I was thankful that some space had cleared though, it gave me a clear run.
My converse screeched against the squeaky clean tiles on the floor as I lurched towards the back door. I fiddled with the lock as I was in such a rush to be out of sight, I finally got it to unlock and violently swung it open. I hopped down the small patio step, and came to a halt to catch my breath. looking around me in hopes of finding a back alley that might lead to the front entrance of the house. "Shit" I whispered, out of breath..and luck.
I rested my hand on my chest In hopes to even out my breathing.

"Woah, what's the rush baby girl? The party's just starting, don't leave so soon?" My breath caught in my throat once more, and my heart dropped to my stomach. His voice had gotten deeper, it was sorta sexy, I couldn't deny it.
I slowly turned on the balls of my feet 'stay alert Madi, let your guard down once and he'll charge at the weakness' I felt like deer and he was the tiger watching it's prey.
When i was finally facing him, that infamous smirk was plastered on that stupid face of his. Just like in the moment he had made that stupid promise.


Heey guys, drop a comment! Let me know how it was.
What aspects where good, any tips on how to improve?

Hope you enjoyed chapter 1! And as I am on Easter break, and I'm off from school, I'll probably upload another chapter in a few days.


P.s Omgg, Bieber Roast today, I'm so scared!! I can't wait to see it though! Eeekkkk!!
But anyway thank you so much, and I would love for my story to get many more reads!!! I'll probably update much more often when it does!❤❤


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