Chapter 2

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Haley's POV

 So after an hour of talking to Harry, he said it should be safe to leave the dressing room ang go out of the store. When we left, I was walking with him around the mall, messing around and having a laugh. Since Harry had his black Jack Wills hoody up and Ray Bans on, no one noticed him. It was almosst closing time, and I could not believe it. It felt like it was still noon when I met him, but it was actually 6. We settled down and were walking towards the exit. "It's nice to have a conversation with a girl without them constantly screaming and spazzing out. That's all I get anymore." He looked down, clearly upset. I felt a wave of sympathy and sadness crash into me. "Don't you like it though? All the attention, the fame, the girls?", I asked. He had a crooked smile plastered on his face. "Some of the time, yes. Other times, it gets really annoying and all of my personal space is gone. Sometimes I can't even think." I did get what he was saying. It would stink if you didn't have to room to do what you want. "Well, I guess you will be glad to hear that I will not be screaming in your face anytime soon.", I said, winking. He smiled back laughing. His smile brightens my mood so much. We were nearing the exit doors and he held the door for me. "Why thank you.", I said. He nodded and smiled. We were heading seperate ways when I felt Harry grab my arm, and I spun around. "It was really nice talking to you today. I hope I see you sometime again?", he asked. "Only time will tell." He laughed and gave me a quick hug. There was one thing I wanted to ask him. "Erm..Harry? Can I ask you something?" "Hit me.", he asked, throwing out his arms for emphasis. "Can you follow me on twitter?" "Of course!", Harry said laughing. I told him my twitter name and we hugged another goodbye.  While I was driving home, What Makes You Beautiful came on the radio, and I couldn't help but smile to myslef as I thought about today. When I got home, I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I checked the message saying Harry Styles just followed me on Twitter. In that moment it finally hit me that Harry Styles from One Direction is following me, and we had a six hour conversation.

-Next Morning-

I woke up early, way too early for my liking. I tried to fall asleep, but God knows that would never happen. I dragged myslef out of bed and changed into running clothes, and put my hair in a messy ponytail. If it was this early in the morning I might as well to something useful. A couple minutes from  my house there's this litlle park with woods surrounding it with various trails. I walked out into the fresh May morning air and started my run. I popped my earphones in, and the first song that came on was One Thing. I remembered everything that happened yesterday and I couldn't help the smile that crept onto my lips.The woods were beautiful in the morning. I should do this more often. After about an hour, I was getting tired so I decided to walk the remaining distance back to my house. When I made it to the opening of the woods, I cut through the park only to get stopped by a little boy. I took my earphones out and bent down so I was eye level with him. "Here is a flower for you." The boy said. "Awh, thank you soo much!", I smiled as I hugged the dandelion to my chest. A girl I was assuming was the boy's mother jogged over to where we were. "I'm really sorry, he is very outgoing.", she said whilst picking him up into her arms as he was giggling. "No it's totally fine, he is adorable. I have to go, but it was wonderful meeting you two!" I waved goodbye, and headed back to my house. I was waiting at the end of the street for the walking light to turn green. I felt someone tap my shoulder, and I quickly turned the direction the person poked my from, but no one was there. Weird. A couple seconds later, the tapping ocurred on my shoulder a second time. I turned the oppsite direction the person tapped me from, fooling them. I didn't recognize who it was until I saw those dimples and green eyes. "Haley!", Harry said, enveloping me in a hug. "Harry!", I said with just as much enthusiasm as him as I pulled away. He laughed. "What are you doing out this early?" He questioned as the walk light turned green, finally. "Well, I woke up too early and I could not fall back asleep, so I decided to take that advantage to go for a run.", I said, gesturing to my sweaty shirt. "Ahh.", he said. "Are you doing anything today? Maybe we could hang out?", he asked, looking hopeful. I had nothing to today, so why not? "Sounds like a plan! I should go home and shower first though." "I will wait for you at your flat then, yeah?", he asked while smiling. I smiled back and said, "If you don't mind sitting on my couch for a while, sure!" "Fine by me.", he said winking. I smiled again, probably looking like a fool. All of a sudden, an unexpected gust of wind blew around us, and Harry's hoody fell off his head, revealing his brown curls. He didn't put it back on, which surprised me. I didn't think he would want to be recognized, remembering what happened yesterday. "Hey, don't you think you shoul-" I was cut short by a blood curldling scream coming from acorss the street. One scream turned into multiple. "Shit." he said while quickly grabbing my hand, urging me to run with him. I quickly looked back to see lots of screaming girls running behind us. It was quite scary and I started running faster, Harry doing the same. It took a good ten minutes before we lost them. We were really close to my flat, so we walked the short distance there. "Well, that was fun.", Harry said while I was turning the key to my flat. "Sure was." I said as I opened the door. We quickly walked into my house. Before I knew it, my roomate Kaite walked out to where we were standing. "Hey Haley, do know where my ha-" She abruptly stopped as she realized who was standing next to me. She started to have a little panick attack and let out a little squeal. "Harry, I'd like you to meet you number one fan, Kaite." She ran over and gave him a huge hug. Harry would have some company while I was in the shower. "Have fun!" I said while walking towards the bathroom door. I remembered how yesterday Harry said he liked to have personal space, which was not happening right now. He rolled his eyes as I'm sure he wasn't looking forward to this. I winked and shut the door as I could already hear Kaite hammering him questions.

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