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Night Time

Lisa's POV

-I'm currently at the store buying something to eat cause I'm hungry you know-

On the other side

Jk: hyung look at that girl she looks familiar

Taehyung: where?

Jk; there

Taehyung: ok- Wait she!

Jk; she's the girl we're finding

(Lisa exited the store and while walking she feel someone is following her but she just ignore it and continue to eat her ice cream. But then she again look back and when she look infront there's a black masked guy block her.)

Lisa: w-who are you?

Taehyung: Hi!

-he said creepily-

(She was about to run behind but then another black masked guy block her again.)

Lisa: w-who are you? what do you need

Jk: (smirk) Now!

Lisa: wha-

(Taehyung covered her mouth with some liquid thingy that can make you sleep *sorry i don't know what it is* she fell on Taehyung's arm and Taehyung carry her while Jungkook is checking around if someone was there)

Jimin's place

Jk; good news for you boss

Jimin: make sure it was good!

Taehyung: we already find her

Jimin; good then. Where is she? Here's the payment leave us here alone

After they leave

Lisa: hmm hmm hmm

-she said as her whole face was covered-

Jimin:(she take off the cover and the blind fold)

Lisa; You? You Look familiar?!

Jimin; i can't believe you forgot me 

Lisa:(she remembered earlier) t-the guy

Jimin: yes baby girl

-he said seductively-

Lisa:(she gulp) w-what do you need?

Jimin: you and your body

Lisa: the hell, let me out off here

Jimin: even you shout no one as in NO ONE will help you

Lisa: help me!

-she shout her lungs out-

Jimin; once you entered in my place there's no way out

-he smirked creepily-


Jimin: shut up!

Lisa: help me!

Jimin; i said shut up

-he said as he slap Lisa *in a guy way*-

Lisa: (deep breath)

Jimin: i said shut up

-he bend down into Lisa's level-

Lisa: don't even dare1

Jimin: i want to taste that lips again!

Lisa: stop! no!

(he came near to Lisa and there lips were about to touch each other but...)


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