Mad Love No More

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CW: Descriptions and mentions of abuse


Harley Quinn didn't know how much time passed since she watched Batman drag Commissioner Gordon out of harm's way, where she and her lover, the Joker were plotting a surprise. Luckily, she and her called "Puddin'" managed to escape capture and were currently in their hideout. All it had been was a simple joke that would put a smile on the commissioner's face. Instead, it ended with the commissioner and Batman's harsh words to Harley, warning her of the lingering danger of staying with the man she loved since the first time she laid eyes on him.

Harley herself felt a huge weight of regret, believing that she herself screwed up on an important joke. With that in mind, she was certain that Mistah J would be less than happy with her, not that this was the first time he got angry with her. This explained why the two were currently in the middle of a heated argument. Normally, Harley would admit defeat rather quickly, but ever since her recent round with the squad and recent talks with her best friend Ivy, she had learned to build a bigger ground for herself, not that she never had one in the first place, but she needed it especially. It was the perfect amount of armor she needed especially when Mistah J was berating her at this very moment. She formed the words in her mind to expel out to him after he venomously blasted her with his "waste of space" insult.

"Mistah J! You know I didn't mean ta screw up! I had it all ready! All ya doin' is being so mean! I helped ya with this plan as my big thank ya for helpin' me escape that stupid ole Belle Reve and this is how ya gonna repay me?"

The self-proclaimed Clown Prince of Crime fumed inwardly at her words and her angry tone. Truthfully, she wasn't wrong that he helped her escape that dreaded prison, even though he didn't want to. He only did because she was only useful for carrying out with his plans, though he never straight up credited her for it. He internally created a demeanor that would fool that waste of space. It had worked, Harley had been so happy to see him, worrying herself sick that he died, at least what she told him. Even long before her name became much more known amongst the rogues gallery, he wondered how she managed to survive under his employment for as long as she did. It didn't stop him from tossing her around like a rag doll on a multitude of occasions, especially during their arguments.

"Harley, the truth is that this joke has a very special punchline, and you fucking failed to even deliver that! You just don't fucking get it, do you?"

Harley gasped, the words cutting deep into the core of her chest like sharp knives stabbing her. It was painful to hear the man she loved say this. In fact, she had been so in roped into her argument with him that she had a feeling in the back of her mind that it went longer than usual. She usually wasn't one for checking on the time, but her usual average arguments with the clown would've long been over. Today, it was still going on, though she began to wonder through her anguish if she would end it here. Not just the argument, but also her relationship right here. It wasn't the first time she had that thought running through her mind, in fact, it wasn't even the first time that the words turned into action, and she would head on the journey to the other rogues' hideouts, usually Ivy.

Unfortunately, she told herself she'd been so engrossed into her Puddin' that she found herself going back to him. It was, what Ivy called, a vicious cycle. Even with the pain of her thoughts, she continued her courageous efforts to fight back.

"What am I suppose to get? I get you, Puddin'! I helped you with your schemes! I was your loyal and devoted lover! I helped you with the plan to capture that dumb commissioner and I even added some touches! Unless, what do you want me to do? Leave? Maybe I'll leave! Ivy was right about you! But, I love you too— "

"I would suggest shutting your god damn mouth for one second!" he fumed, his anger near at boiling point. "Yes, I got one thing to tell you, and of course you can leave, you imbecile!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2021 ⏰

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