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"Are you okay?" Winter asked

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"Are you okay?" Winter asked.

I nodded even though deep inside I'm shaking. She held me a cup of water and with my hands shaking, I reached and drank every bits of it.

"Tss. What is he doing here anyway? He's not invited!" She hissed.

I remained silent because even myself don't know what to answer. I'm still processing what just happened earlier. My head is aching everytime I'm thinking about it.

"What are you doing here, Won?" Sunghoon finally spoke after the long silence.

When I turn who is he talking to, a pair of glowing eyes is glaring at me. I felt Sunghoon's hold tightened.

Then I heard footsteps coming to us and Winter with her short fitted dress and black high boots looked at them and me.  Her lips parted when she look at Sunghoon's hand holding mine. Sunghoon immediately drop his hold and walked towards Jungwon.

"I thought you already get rid of her?" Jungwon said as Sunghoon pulled him away from us.

Winter bring me inside her house. It was crowded and mess. I saw a couple kissing on the couch and I quickly diverted my eyes from them. The music were loud and everyone's dancing and vibing with music. The smell of alcohol and smoke from cigarettes made me dizzy.

Everyone is busy with businesses that they didn't even notice me. Though who would notice me, I'm not sociable person. They don't even know me, and I don't too. I want it that way.

Winter stop in front of wooden door and opened it. That's when I realize that it's her room because everything is color pink and purple.

"Sorry, I shouldn't force you to come here. I didn't notice that you're calling me."

"I'm fine."

"I'm so stupid! I forgot to tell you my house address." She almost cried.

I laugh at her. I roamed my eyes around her room. Full of classic and elegant furnitures and you can really say that she's that rich. Her room is big and it's almost the size of our house.

"Are you hungry? I have snacks here." She pushed the tray of snacks to me.

"What about your guests? Aren't you entertained them? I'm fine here. Maybe I'll just sleep until it's midnight."

She rolled her eyes and flipp her hair.

"Se-yeon, they won't mind if I lost in their sight. I'm sure they don't care my whereabouts."

"Anyway," she pulled a chair and sat in front me. "What's in between you and Sunghoon? And also Jungwon? I can clearly see that he's mad with you."

I cleared my throat and looked away. Waves of memories crashed to my mind. The library. The silhouette. The corpse. And... Those eyes...

"I... I d-dont know..."

"Does Sunghoon hitting on you?" She exaggeratedly gasped.

"What? N-no!"

I spend the rest of the night inside her room and she never go out not until I have to go home. She insists to drive me home and I agreed because I'm tired and sleepy. When I got home, my grandma welcome me and ask how's the party. I told her it was fine and never said what really happened that night. She didn't asked more and I walked to my room. I quickly fell asleep.

The next morning, I was awoken by the smell of porridge soup. My grandma greeted me with her usual smile.

"I'll just shower up."

I watched my reflection in the mirror as I removed my clothes. I touch the pendant of my necklace. Grandma said that I shouldn't remove it from me. Ever since I was a kid, I had this necklace. The white pearl shines just how bright moon is when I touch it.

I sighed and removed it from my neck. I don't know if it's just me but I felt something in my body. I shrugged it off and started to wash up. I come out when I finished and sat in my chair while the towel is still in my hair.

"Where's your necklace?" Grandma asked.

"It's in the bathroom. I'll wear it after this."

"Wear it now!"

I stunned when she raise her voice. My eyes widened in fraction as I looked up to her. She never raised her voice to me. I saw panic and fear in her eyes.

When she realized I didn't move, she took it from the bathroom and give it to me. I'm still confused with her sudden move. She went at my back and instead she put it on my necklace. I felt something blow up inside my body when the necklace was put back at my neck.

"Don't you ever removed that necklace on yourself!" She warned.

She sighed. She felt relieved. My eyes drop at my necklace. I always wonder... what's behind this necklace?




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