🍑 Jeon Jungkook x Cop!Chubby reader (Male)🍑

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Requested by KaydenSelle !

(A/N Hey guys so uh this is like- my first ever time posting smut on here so uh- if its cringey or anatomically incorrect please deal with it and let me know lol)

You ran frantically, you heart beating against your ribcage. If you went on for any longer you were sure your legs were going to fall off. A man was on the run, and it was your job to catch him. Except, running wasn't really your strong suit, no physical activity requiring endurance was. Sure you were strong, but your build was on the larger side. No one at your job has ever underestimated you because of it and never gave you the 'lazy' jobs, but you were starting to wish they did.

The small city you lived in had recently started to get reports of more drug deals. After months of investigation, a lead was finally found. It was on the man you were after, Jeon Jungkook. A drug deal that was tracked over the phone had led investigators to his residence.

You at first had pulled up to Jungkooks house in your cop car. It didn't look like the best on the block, but it sure didn't look like a drug house. When you had walked up to the door, you knocked a few times. No one had answered, making you let out a long sigh. Out of the corner of your eye you saw a figure running out from behind the house. "Hey!" You started chasing the man on foot, using your car would be inconvenient for many reasons.

And that was the reason you were in this situation now. The tall, buff man's figure was starting to slip out of your sight as he turned a corner into a dark alleyway. You followed suite, noticing it was a dead end. Jungkook stood still, his back facing you. You pulled out your gun, pointing it at the suspects back. "Put your hands up!" You yelled out, squinting your eyes against the dark. "You don't have a choice, there's no where else to run." You stated.

Suddenly, Jungkook turned around, staring at you. He looked you up and down, letting out an airy chuckle. "Don't act so cocky now. If I didn't run into a dead end do you really think you would've been able to catch me?" He asked, lifting his eyebrow.

Your lip twitched in annoyance. Ignoring him you yelled once more, "I said put your hands up, now!" Your teeth gritted, spit spraying from your mouth.

Jungkooks shoulders dropped in defeat. He weighed out his options in his head, and they weren't looking too good. Even if he could run away at this moment, you still held a gun, and Jungkook didn't want to risk any more than he already has.

Slowly, he put up his arms in surrender, a sour look on his face. You quickly rook the opportunity to grab him, slamming him face first into the wall so you could restrain him. You pulled out your handcuffs and brought the the man's arms behind his back, tightening them around his wrists.

Jungkook hissed in pain, he turned his head against the hard wall, trying to look at you over his shoulder. "Quiet." You snapped, grabbing at the speaker on your uniform to call for back up.

A few hours later, you were steaming yourself a cup of coffee in the break room of the police station. You rub your eyes, tiredness slowly creeping over you. After you caught Jungkook and brought him to the station, you were given a break until he was ready for investigation.

You leaned against the counter as the coffee machine beeped, "Finally." You mumbled, grabbing a cheep paper cup and pouring yourself some coffee.

One of your coworkers popped his head out if the break room door, "Mr. Y/l/n? Your suspect is ready for you in the interrogation room." He stated, leaving as fast as he came.

You sighed, rubbing at your temples. You left your coffee after a few sips, and made your way to the interrogation room.

You didn't walk in right away. Instead, you peaked into the room from the two way glass. You watched as Jungkook sit still, his chin high and his handcuffed arms on the table. You smirked lifting your eyebrow. "Pretty confident for being a suspect." You mumbled, finally walking into the room. Jungkooks eyes instantly darted over to you. He looked you up and down at you sat in the chair across from him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2023 ⏰

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