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They are people who didn't believe in fate and interconnection. 

But soon they were proved wrong..... by LOVE. 

There regarded each other as friends, acquaintances, well wishers..... but how can the term SOULMATES not be involved between them. 

And it was LOVE again which made them soulmates for eternity. 

They were simple so as their story. Of Love, Friendship, Trust, Understanding and Misunderstanding, Anger, Jealousy. 

Well, a tale isn't a tale unless it has all the emotions in it.

Stay Tuned to know more about Jiya and Ajay & Sam and Rohan.

I will mostly write one chapter for one couple and the next one would be of other couple, so don't get confused. I have no idea how many chapters I might take to tell you this story, but be prepared this will be a short book. 

Hope you will enjoy it same like 'Our Disconnected Love Story' and show much more love.

Welcome to all those people who finished the big bonus chapter and came here.

I must say you are very enthusiastic to read more.

I know you might have expected a big chapter here as well, but sorry I am not done with the chapter yet and you have to help me in that.

So who's story should I start first?
Jiya & Ajay? or
Sam & Rohan?

Do select one and the highest voted one will be the 1st chapter and followed by the next couple's story.

And do tell me about whose Story are you more excited to know?

Hope you liked the small introduction.

Do Vote, Comment, Share if you liked the chapter.

Thank you.

Stay Safe.

Happy New Year once again.

Love Connection(On hold. Don't Know When I Will start Updating)Where stories live. Discover now