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With all that a wedding and a wedding night brings, Samuel and Delia actually manage to sleep. Sleep for Samuel being at points both in the past and in the present brings something very strange indeed. There is a cawing sound coming from an indoor place. Samuel can hear it before he can see what is creating it. A crow, a single crow is perched upon a wooden table.

Samuel sees this crow right before it flies off. A crow within a building, the very building which hosted the reception of his marriage to Delia ten years ago, how strange this is. It, this crow, comes to a halt not so far away. Upon such a sight there is only one thing to do. Instead of questioning how he got here, Samuel can't help himself with one thing; he is compelled to follow this bird. It takes him down one of the hotel corridors. The doors within the hotel, all of them, each and every door to each and every hotel room is open.

Being lost in many ways, Samuel does not notice that the crow is no longer anywhere to be seen but what can be seen is something very strange indeed. Beyond each open hotel room door is a sight so fantastic that it cannot possibly exist, and certainly not within a hotel.

Beyond each of the open hotel room doors are unbelievable sights, impossible sights, and extreme apparitions, sounds that simply can't be but there is something about each of them too, how odd.

On Samuel moves. Beyond the first open hotel room door that he looks through there indeed is no sign of a hotel room of any kind. Rather it is a wide-open space that Sam can clearly see. Open space in a hotel room? There is water and there is land, water is a river or a bog of some kind. That space appears to be as real as any outdoor space can be, to the point that Sam can actually smell what comes at him on a slight cool breeze.

There may be no clear yellow brick road in this scene, though who can say if one is actually there or not, but off in the distance there may be what might be thought of as an Emerald City or some alternate kind of Emerald City. Maybe there are multiple Emerald Cities, some of which stand up high upon a mountainous rock divide of ice and crystal where green and blue are the most vibrant of colours.

Fantastic sights beyond doors ... what can this mean ... is he dreaming? This can't be real ... is someone or something attempting to tell him or show him something?

Yeah, a large rising mountainous rock face on the left and an opposite and matching mountainous rock face on the right with a large apparent floating rock city in between which appears to be accessible by a roadway, the roadway whether brick or tarmac is not clear or obvious from what Sam can see.

Indeed, in between the mountainous divide he currently sees, and hidden by cloud, a sun shines bright or maybe it is a star, a star so close that its brightness pushes through that cloud. To either side and beyond the crystal-like rock mountain are moons, moons so close that if you came to stand high upon those icy hills you may reach out and be able to reach out and almost ... touch them.

What a sight to behold. In a strange way Samuel feels as if he has seen this before, so much so that he feels as if he has been to such a place before. Surely such a thing cannot be, he cannot really be seeing what appears to be right before him. There are other sights to behold beyond other open hotel room doors.

Other sights indeed, such as that of a unicorn standing high and proud almost, up upon a precipice with a dragon in full glory just beyond it. But there is a worry weighing on that unicorn. Wait ... can unicorns worry? They aren't even real, yet he can see one in full view. A dragon with wings stretched wide is there too having come in quickly from quite the distance. Dragons, they are even less real, right?

Dragons and unicorns, what a sight, what a sight to behold, again it comes with some sort of familiarity. Is the dragon representing something horrible? Does it intend to ruin the world which belongs to the unicorn? This is the feeling with which has come to hit Samuel. Surely, these things before him do not and cannot exist and if they do then surely, they do not exist behind open hotel room doors.

Beyond a third open door there appears to be an Asian like city, a city in some way ancient, and in some way futuristic, a city with a large green levitating mass circled by two ice blue rings. Samuel is also sure that he has seen this before. More than that, he has been to such a place, an impossibility this is, all of it, but then again, maybe not.

A fourth sight is something you might get if you took The Great Wall of China and moved it to Mordor. 'One ring to rule them all' as they say, huh? These images, if that's what they are, may be fantastical but it is what is behind the fifth of these open hotel room doors that really shakes Samuel.

Beyond that fifth open hotel room door is an actual hotel room, not just any actual hotel room. It is a Bridal suite; it is the Bridal suite, the very same room that Samuel spent his wedding night with his wife Delia ten years ago. How could he have back to this place? He does not recall making such a journey. And he is only just realizing this at this very moment.

Samuel enters this room. The bed is occupied. Two people sleep within it. Sam moves closer. The two people within the bed, they are Sam himself and his all too amazing bride. Are they on their wedding night? How can this be? Sleeping Sam wakes and sees ... himself standing a few feet away.

Present day Sam, face to face with his alternate of ten years prior. Standing Sam vanishes. Newly-wed Sam sees that apparition vanish. ... A dream must be a dream, it must be, it can't be real. Something else hits newly-wed Sam in this moment. There are oddities beyond the doors to the rooms near to his ... out in the corridor ... though why he should think such a thing is unclear ... unknown. Beyond some of those open doors are regular hotel rooms and nothing more.

A door ... hotel room doors ... three keys on a key ring ... just what does this all mean?

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