Chapter 1

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"Why you're backing up, (Y/n)?" Regina asked in a threatening tone while walking in my direction, in her hand was a bright pink pocket knife "Regina please, give me more time, I swear I'll get the money" I beg while walking back, I held a arm back so I could feel if there was something behind me, I wasn't stupid enough to let me get cornered up with this bitch-

i'm cut out of my thoughts when she start running in my direction, I swear to fucking God that I saw murder in her eyes
I turn back and start running too, we were close to a big river and some old abandoned factories by now, suddenly, we reach one of the factories and guess what, I got cornered, great-
I feel a sharp, overwhelming pain on my side, close to my stomach and let our a scream as i fall to the ground. I feel a hand on my back and Regina's knife entering again on my side, making another deep cut there, she pulls me by my shoulder and push me again to the ground, making me lay on my back 

"That's just a warning, if you don't pay me I'll make sure that you won't get out of this alive" she threatens me while letting some drips of my own blood fall on my face, it started raining a bit while she spoke, pretty dramatic huh?
She opens her pink umbrela while turning away from me and walking away, her heels made a clicking sound while she walked

I push myself up with a shoulder, at least I didn't do it with the arm on the side that's hurt, cuz it was hurting so fucking much. I start pushing myself back, knowing that I was just 2 or 3 meters away from the nearest wall, I would use it as a support to get straight up, or the best as I could since I'm not straight lol
During this, every time i pushed myself back the muscles of my torso and stomach contracted, making the pain worse, I was looking back to see how close I was from the wall and once I'm close enough I push myself one more time to lean on it just to find that I was falling back like the wall wasn't even there

My head harshly hits the ground, making me let out a small pained yelp, making me feel dizzy while I try getting up again, I look around and see tall metal shelves filled with random metal pieces, there was some weird looking machines too, most of them left unfinished, I hear some footsteps coming close to where I am and look around, seeing no one "H-hello?" I ask to whoever is coming, the footsteps get quicker, they sounded like metal thought, I feel myself losing consciousness and falling back on the ground as my eyes close, then I feel cold, robotic hands picking my up before I feel something like fur brushing against my skin, I open my eyes confused and see the least person that someone would expect to see


Yea, for some reason I have big big crush on him
I mean, come on, he's so fucking cute, but we're not here to talk about that-

"Mini-" I'm cut off by the sudden urge to cough, blood comes out of my mouth and stain my shirt and sweatpants when I do so 
"Shh, please don't speak, you need to save your breath" Minion says while walking quickly to somewhere, I wasn't paying attention to where he was goin thought, I nuzzle up against his cold chest, feeling more and more sleepy "I want to sleep.." I mumble while closing my eyes again

"Oh no no, you can't sleep now. Please don't fall asleep, stay up just a bit more" Minion asks hurriedly, now running instead of walking fast
I do my best to stay awake, opening my eyes a bit when I feel him putting me in something soft, it felt like a couch tho.. I look up at Minion and see a worried expression on his face "Brain bots, I need all medical supplies right now!" he demands to some Brain Bots nearby, they fly away while my eyes start to close again. Then I hear Minion speaking to me now "Oh no, don't fall asleep, i need you to stay awake please. Please. If you fall asleep you'll.." his voice drifts away as I pass out, deafening silence surrounding me despise of his pleas for me to stay up

758 words

posted on 11/11/2021 (day/month/year)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2021 ⏰

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