Life Hack With Kattt

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Hello fellow readers, are you sick of inconveniences in your life? Do you hate it when a giant object is getting closer to crushing your home and everyone you love?

Do you fear your impending doom?

Don't fret for I can fix all of your problems big or small, how? Don't fucking question me for I'm the almighty Katttttt, God of fixing problems with logic.

Hacks with Kat:

Is your sibling being obnoxious?; easy I've got the solution for you. Go on the computer, download Tor and access the deep web. Once you've done that sell them for money and you're an only child again!

Did you stub your toe on a table?: The pain is unreal when that happens, but don't worry I've got a solution. Grab a giant fucking knife and saw off every single toe, once the wound is healed you are now safe from stubbing a toe. Can't stub what you don't have!

Messy room?: Is your room a mess? It's okay we've all been there and I completely understand, I haven't seen my floor in five years. But how do we solve that? Honestly it's really simple, pour gasoline over every single object in the room and throw a match down. Quickly evacuate everyone and every animal from the house and then collect house insurance. When they fix your house it'll be clean!!!

Don't want to pay for dinner?: Honestly going to a restaurant is really fun but paying really sucks, so when the check is brought to you grab a steak knife and stab the waiter or waitress in the leg. You'll be arrested and then food in jail is free for you!

Do you hate bug bites?: Cause mass extinctions of all bugs. They can't bite you if they are dead.

Hate grocery shopping?: Order online, it's the 21st century....

Hate getting up early for work?: We've all been there, getting comfortable and then the damn alarm goes off. And then you have to get out of your warm bed and trudge off to hell- I mean work, what's the life hack for that? Turn your alarm off and block your coworkers.

Large objects coming to crush your home?: I honestly hate it when giant space looking objects fall from the sky and crush my home and loved ones, it's really unfortunate. But there's a solution, build a giant fucking trampoline so the object will bounce off of it and hit someone else's house!

Now I've got a lot of advice, so if you have problems just ask me and I can give you a solution. Try these at home! I promise all of these life hacks are super helpful :D


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