Chapter 14 1/2

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     Luckily for us, no one dared attack the five sisters, and we made sure that absolutely no one hurt the youngest, Pita. We walked on for hours, until we found a thick, humid jungle. We all got hot, and decided to sit down for a rest. We eventually came across an old abandoned clinic. We found no use snooping, because Pita was feeling completely alright. I would just sit down and rest, I told myself. I didn't mean to fall asleep, I swear I didn't. None of us meant to, but all of us did. This trip was so tiring, I just wanted to sleep for 1,000 years. But I knew I could only take a short rest.

It wasn't as short as I had hoped. According to the clock, I slept from 9:19 to 2:34! I don't know how I slept that long, but I soon came to see a figure hovering above Pita. I immediately shoved the humanoid off her.

"GET OFF MY SISTER!" I yelled.

"Woah, calm down," They replied. "Would your mama get this irrationally angry at a stranger?"

I grumbled in protest, but they were right. I hadn't thought, I had just leaped into action. At that moment I thought of nothing but protecting Pita from a monster. I guess being tricked three times will do that to you. Wait... Could this be the fourth? Teresita said only three monsters would attack due to our mockery of Cecilia, but she never said there wouldn't be monsters attacking for personal reasons! I backed away distrustfully.

"Besides," the stranger continued. "I was looking at her wounds. Chupacabra bite? Those really hurt, but only about 24 hours after the original bite. I'm Jaymes. I used to work in this facility before it was attacked by a horde of monsters led by El Pishtaco. I can try to help your sister as best I can, but I'm poor and hungry."

"I don't know... We've had some bad experiences with strangers," I divulged cautiously. "I'll have to think about it."

Then my sisters woke up. While Juanita and the twins were excited to see more human life, Pita immediately started to cry. She must have learned her lesson after Chencho. I'm glad to see that.

"Not to be rude or anything, but we really gotta go, like you said, our youngest will start hurting soon, and she must be near civilization to be healed." I said, trying to get us out of here.

"Odilia, no seas una aguafiesta. ¡Es otra persona!" Velia retorted. If only she understood that I was trying to keep us alive and together.

"Fine," I said. "But I still don't trust them."

"I understand, but if you could find trust in your heart, I would greatly appreciate it. I completely understand if you're too skeptical." Jaymes said, with nothing but compassion in their eyes. I loosened up.

Then Delia said "Yeah, she's pretty paranoid." I shoved her with an "Oh you shut up, you." Even Pita was laughing.

Jaymes took us outside to a soccer field. We ran around for a bit until my stomach rumbled in sync with Velia's.

"I'm off to get some food."
I spent the rest of the afternoon gathering berries and herbs for the other girls. I had lots of time alone. Just me and the great lush rainforest. I thought. I realised how paranoid I've been recently. Keeping a family safe is stressful. This must be how Mamá felt. I miss Mamá. Why is there a rainforest in northern mexico? Why is there an abandoned hospital in this rainforest? Wait... this all seems a bit convenient.... Oh no...

I ran back, feeling bad that I dropped all the food I had collected. I burst through the doors to find Juanita and the twins looking all around the clinic hurriedly. They looked scared and stressed. But where was Pita? And Jaymes? Delia saw me and pointed. "Juanita, Mira! Es Odilia!"

"Odilia!" Juanita shouted. "Pita and Jaymes disappeared! We were on the field when Pita tripped. Jaymes took her inside to get a bandaid, but they're not anywhere to be found!"

"Of course! It all makes sense! The attack on the clinic, the jungle, Pita's disappearance! Jaymes must be El Pishtaco."

I ran up the stairs and onto the roof. Up there we found El Pishtaco with a deflated Pita, too tired to scream. El Pishtaco was about to cut her head off, before I shouted a battlecry. I ran at them, holding the basket I was collecting food in. They ran at me with a sword. It's safe to say I wasn't on the offensive for long. I ran away. I ran across the roof, to the edge. I ran until I saw a large branch. I ran for it and rolled. I got up just in time to parry their strikes. With a flick of my wrist, their sword flipped off the building, along with... WAS THAT AN ARM?! I looked back at Pita to notice how her arm was ripped off messily. I yelled at the twins to grab some gauze from downstairs.

Juanita and I held El Pishtaco down, while the twins helped bandage Pita's shoulder. I had just one question. "Why?"

"Predators survive longer in the famine." they yelled before escaping our grip, and jumping after Pita's arm.

We didn't have time to check on them. We had to help our sister. We walked her downstairs. We found a comfy couch to lay on. I fed the crew some herbs that were on the floor. I gave Pita a specific assortment of good looking herbs including rosemary, mint, and yerbabuena. We woke up early, so we could get to Abuelita's. We were glad to hear Pita jumping around. She said she felt as good as new. As if she had been healed. Then I remembered my curandera blood. I was proud.

Amidst the mess we saw a glint of metal. In the rising sun' light it looked almost pink, but not quite. It had the weirdest shape... almost like a foot. Oh wait, no, a hand. Then I remembered we were in a clinic. It was a prosthetic arm. I found an old doctor's manual, and figured out how to attach it, before running over to surprise Pita. By the timeI had attached the arm it was sunrise. Pita was so happy. I guess if monsters exist, El Señor must too.

Then Pita collapsed.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2021 ⏰

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Summer Of The Mariposas Chapter 14 1/2Where stories live. Discover now