Peru 1921

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Name one question people ask when they first meet. For some it might be ,, Whats your name? ,, or ,, How old are you? ,,. But for me it was pretty interesting.

Peru 1921: I have to meet up with a spy today from our group. The thing is I didnt k now anything about them – not even their name or gender. My boss told me the spy knows how I look like and theyll tell me a code which I knew pretty well from thinking about this mission way to much: 30329.

I walk in the local bar where my boss set up the meeting. About 5 minutes later I hear the door open. Its a guy. He comes up to me and tells me:


The meeting went well.

Oh and one thing I forgot to mention is that I am immortal.

Moving on to a café in 23 rd century, unknown date:

I was sitting at a café sipping my coffee without worries. I always had one thought on my mind: ,, Who was that guy in Peru before 200 years? ,,. But I knew I could never find out the answer to that question. As I was thinking that the door opened in a very familiar way. It was him. He said only one thing:

-Peru 1921. Remember me?

And then he vanished with only a letter on the table which had the epigraph: for the Lady from Peru.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2021 ⏰

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