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(i got strawberry crepe's yogurt phantom costume so to celebrate im writing a crackfic for them and custard)

"You are the best king EVER! What would we ever do without you?"

The voices echoed around the petite yellow cookie, as he looked down happily at the cookies praising him.

The crowd hyping Custard Cookie up were so loud they could make the ground shake. In fact, they did. The ground was... shaking? Actually, the ground wasn't the thing being shook.

"Custard?? CUSTARD!! Custard, wake up!! Ugh.."

Custard Cookie opened his eyes and groaned. Strawberry Crepe Cookie had shaken him awake.


Custard Cookie was annoyed by Strawberry Crepe Cookie carelessly waking him up, until, he remembered what they were planning to do today. "Wait, is it 3 AM yet?" Custard Cookie asked Strawberry Crepe.

"Yes!! Do you know where the camera is??""Uhh.. I think Pure Vanilla has it in his room. I'll go get it.""Okay, but be quiet! Don't wake him up or we'll get in trouble!"

Strawberry Crepe Cookie sat next to Custard Cookie's bed while waiting for Custard to get back with the camera. 

The two were going to film 3 AM videos together, and post them on Youtube.

Strawberry Crepe opened their eyes as they heard the door creek open, and custard entered the room with the camera they were going to use to film the video, which they had already planned out.

"You got it?""Yes! Let's go!""Yay! Okay!"


Custard nervously walked right behind Strawberry Crepe towards Black Raisin Cookie's village. "Uhh.. Are you sure this is a good idea?" Custard nervously questioned.

"Uhm.. Duh! It's for the internet. We will get famous! Didn't you see how many views those shitty 3 AM videos get?"

"Yeah, I get that, but, what if Black Raisin Cookie catches us? We will probably get in a lot of trouble.. Also, don't swear."

"Wow, Custard, you worry too much. We will only get caught IF we aren't careful. So, just be careful."

"Err.. Okay. If you say so."

"Yeah. Just turn the camera on already incase anything scary happens!"

"Okay, okay. It's on."

"Hello, viewers! I am here today in a very spooky and SCARY village!"

"And me! Don't forget me! I'm here too!" Custard happily added.

"Oh. Yeah. And Custard, I guess."

Custard scoffed. He would rather be doing anything else than this, even doing chores his dad gives him.

"If we hit 10 likes, in the next video, I will order the cursed happy meal at 3 AM! Alright, Lets go explore this potentially haunted village! Come on Custard."

Custard paused the camera and followed behind Crepe."Isn't this clout chasing?""Probably, but who cares?"

Custard rolled his eyes. "I really regret agreeing to do this with you."

"Cool. And I regret ever talking to you." Strawberry Crepe spat back, rudely.

Custard walked down the dark path, making sure to film almost every part of the ominous village. Crepe walked in front of him still. "Good job Custard! Keep doing that!"


The two children kept walking until Crepe stopped dead in their tracks, causing Custard to stop as well. "Uh, what's wrong? Did you see anything?"

"I hear something over there.. Let's go, it may be interesting!"

"Okay, okay, okay. I'm coming!" Custard chirped as he turned the camera on and followed Strawberry Crepe.

"You guys, I think there may be a ghost!!"

"A-a ghost? What are we gonna do, Crepe?"

"I say, we go beat it bloody until it dies."

"Ooh. Okay, good idea!"

The young Cookies moved over to the area that Crepe believed a ghost would be. "Come out, stupid ghosts!"




"Uhm. Crepe, I don't think there's anything here."

"Yeah, I think you're right."

"Let's go home. I'm tired."

"Yeah. Me too. Okay, thanks for watching guys!"

Just as the two were about to leave, something tall stepped out of the darkness behind them, to which they both quickly swung around.

None other than Black Raisin Cookie was standing behind them, with a very, very confused look.


Custard elbowed Crepe, which almost knocked them to the ground. "SHUT UP CREPE! DON'T SWEAR IN FRONT OF ADULTS!"

Black Raisin scoffed and picked up Strawberry Crepe. "You two? Trespassing again? What's new?"

"Sorry sis.. We were ghost hunting for a 3 AM video.."

"That's really stupid. You two could have gotten injured."

"CUSTARD could have gotten injured! I could have obviously handled anything."

"Shut the hell up Crepe! You're the one who dragged me here!" Custard impatiently replied.

"Oh, what happened to no swearing in front of adults? Huh??"

Black Raisin listened to them go back and fourth, until she finally had enough of it. "Wont both of you two just stop? I'll give you both star jellies for you to just shut up and go home."

"STAR JELLIES?? YAY!" Custard happily chirped while jumping around. Black Raisin let Strawberry Crepe down. "Yeah, yeah."

After Custard and Strawberry Crepe both got their jellies, Custard and Crepe said goodbye to each other, and Custard went back home. Black Raisin sighed and looked at Crepe.

"Umm.. So what now?"

"Help me post the video."

"Are you serious?

strawberry crepe and custard film 3 am videos (real)Where stories live. Discover now