Chapter two: Shedding Eclipse

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The red moonlight danced on brown skin as they laid naked on the cold, stone table. There was a cool breeze blowing lazily through the open window, causing goosebumps to rise on her bare flesh. Her arm draped comfortably over Green’s stomach and she sighed, content, as she watched both rise and fall with his every breath.

“Are you cold?” Green asked as he rubbed his hand back and forth across her back.

“Why do you ask?”

He wiggled his, where her breast took rest, rubbing himself softly against her stiffened nipples. “Oh, I just have an inkling.”

Giggling she responded, “I am, a little, but I love the feel of it. Being with you makes my body burn. A bit of cold wind is just what I need.”

He gave a deep throated chuckle, pulling her closer to him. “Yea, well more than my body burns when I’m with you. You’ve left an imprint that no one has since been able to replicate.”

Eclipse’s smile faded with his words and she moved away from him abruptly, sitting up as her heart changed rhythms in her chest, going from relaxed to panicked in the blink of an eye. He was doing it again, saying words that meant more than they could ever be. 

Green’s hand hadn’t left her back when she moved and now he was drawing slow, intricate circles at its base. “I know I’ve said this before but I really thought I’d never see you again, not after the way you left.”

She turned to look down at him, a frown amongst her pretty features. “And there’s no wonder why, with your talk of imprints. You think I don’t know what you mean when you say these things?” Eclipse smacked his hand away before swinging her legs over the side of the table then sliding off. “I can’t give you what you want, Green.” She kept her back to him as she spoke, afraid that he would see the lie in her eyes.

He pushed a sigh out from the depths of his lungs, running his hands over his face. “Eclipse, you’re doing it again!” Green followed her example, hopping off the table, letting his feet hit the floor with a loud thump.

She turned, throwing her hands about her shapely hips. “Doing what again?”

“Making nothing into something.” he replied, slipping his pants on while he padded to the kitchen area. “All I meant was that you left an impression. I didn’t speak of love or my heart this time. You’re just trying to push me away, as usual.” Green yanked open the door to his cold box and pulled out a decanter of blackish red liquid, grabbed two short glasses off the shelf above his sink and filled both with the thick substance. 

Eclipse could smell it, even before the first drop hit the bottom of the glass. She turned swiftly, trying to ignore the call of Gamore and stay with her train of troubled thoughts. “And where is this imprint then? If you don’t mind me asking.”

Sighing again he responded, “Wherever you’re going to make it out to be, I suppose.”

Ignoring his reply she went on, “And if you feel me pushing that means I feel you pulling.”

Behind her, glass clanked on the table as their drinks were being set down and her ears perked at the sound. Eclipse felt him before she heard him, her body automatically responding to his heat as he got close. Green wrapped both arms around her, yanking her into him. His lips played at her ear, licking and nibbling at the lobe as he slid his hand down past her stomach and into her newest throbbing. She sucked in her breath at his touch and let her head fall back against his chest. 

“And so what if I am.” He whispered the words as if he was telling a secret, letting her in on what he’d tried to deny only moments ago.

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