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I woke up and saw Jungkook layed down beside me. I was looking at his handsome face and I kissed his cheek. When I was about kissed his again,,he opened his eyes with his cold face. I got shocked and I was running towards the bathroom to take a shower.

Jungkook POV

I was sleep when I feel something on my face and I opened my eyes revealing Y/N infront of me. I look at her eyes,,but she's running towards the bathroom.

"What's wrong with that girl?" I said while chuckled to her behaviour.


I walked out from the bathroom and I saw Jungkook was playing on his phone while waiting for me to finished my shower.

"You can take a bath now,,I will make a breakfast"

"Oh, ok then" Jungkook said to me without take a glance of me.

I walked downstairs and started make a breakfast. I would like to make a pancake because I was never make a pancake and I'll try to make it out.

I've done with my cooked and I heared a footsteps from behind. I take a look revealing Jungkook with his casual outfits.

"Won't you go to your office today?" I asked Jungkook.

Jungkook POV

I walked downstairs and I saw a delicious food on the dining table. I can't wait to eat it but Y/N asked me something.

"Won't you go to your office today?" Y/N asked me

"No,,I'm not. I'm off today."

"Ohh ok" -Y/N


I started eating the pancake and it was so delicious.

"How is it?" Y/N asked me again

"It's good"

"Really?" Y/N asked me with her excited face.

"Yes, why?"

"Nothing,, it's just my first time to make it out. Just because before my mom who always make this" She said to me.

I'm just looked at her and bite my food.

Author's POV

Y/N and Jungkook was eating their breakfast. After finished the breakfast they got called from Jungkook's mom

On the phone


Hey sweetie,


Hye Mom,


Jungkook,, we were about want to go to your house


Oh, really?




Okay mom goodbye,,


Bye sweetie,,

End of call

Jungkook POV


"Yess" -Y/N

"Mom and dad was on the way to our house" -Jungkook

"Ohh okay, plus, it's been a long since we not meet them right?" -Y/N

"Yeah,, that's right" -Jungkook

After 30 minutes

Author's POV

Y/N heard the door bell ring and take a look

"It must be mom and dad..I can't wait to see them" said Y/N with her happily faces.

Y/N opened the door and revealing Jungkook's mom and dad

"Mom, dad!" Y/N said with her excitedly voices

"Hye honey" -Mrs Jeon

"It's been a long time since we not meet right" -Mr Jeon

"Yeah, i miss you, mom,, dad" -Y/N

After that,Jungkook walked downstairs from his room and saw his parents sit at the couch.

"You're here" Jungkook said with his bunny smile

"Yes sweetie" -Mrs Jeon and Mr Jeon

Y/N was make a drink for their parents. As Y/N put the drinks on the table, Y/N give the drinks to all of them and for her too.

Y/N was about to drink her water but she was chocked her water as Mrs Jeon said something to them.

"Actually we're here to ask both of you something, be honestly, we really wants a grandchild" Mrs Jeon said with her widely smile

Mrs Jeon and Mr Jeon got shocked when Y/N chocked her water

"Why honey?" Mrs Jeon

"Are you okay Y/N?" -Mr Jeon

"Yeah i'm okay" Y/N said

"So can we have a grandchild as soon as you can?" -Mrs Jeon

"Mom, we'll try but i think we're not ready yet" -Jungkook

"Yeah, me too" -Y/N

"It's okay, we'll wait" -Mr Jeon

"We just can't wait to see our grandchild" -Mrs Jeon said to them with her puffy eyes (ahuh I see mrs Jeon is cute isn't it😂)

"Maybe, next time?" -Jungkook

"Okay, but promise us that you guys will give us our grandchildren" -Mrs Jeon

"Yeah, mom" said Y/N and Jungkook with their smile

I tried my best guys hope u liked it love u  guys thanks for reading

To be continued.....

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