Bathroom breaks and breakups?

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Nicks pov:
"Beth we don't want to be late to the concert!" I yell loud enough to get to her attention. "Cooommmiiinggg" she says walking down the stairs. "I think this will make you feel better!" I say trying to cheer her up. "I don't know.. I mean since connor broke up with me it's been downhill from there." She says looking at the floor. "We should get going!" I say right after she finished her sentence. "You look stunning as always miss Bethany." She was wearing a nirvana muscle tee with a white bandeau underneath. She had black skinny jeans rolled up, vans and a flower crown with hipster glasses. As we get in the car she turns on the radio station to find 5sos amnesia on. The day that connor broke up with her she listened to it nonstop while eating Nutella. I would never treat her like she was the backup gf." As we arrive into the stadium Beth says
Beth pov:
"Can I use the bathroom?" I say because I already drank up my soda. "Sure" he says with a smile on his face. As I open the door I find a man with a mop of violet colored hair standing infront of me. "Hey?" I say right after I see him smoking some kind of illegal drug. "Hi! You won't snitch right?" He says with a thick Aussie accent. " I'm not sure depends." I say smirking "not unless I can have some" Beth.stop. I've never done anything this bad before. But this tall Australian boy is just so intimidating. "Sure why not" he says then chuckles like a little child. He puts something that looks like green moss in a paper and rolls it up he hands it to me and lights it up. "Oh I'm micheal by the way!" He says then taking another puff at what I think is marijuana. I take my first puff and start to cough imediatley. "Here take some water, I bet this is your first time ay?" He says and hands me a bottle of Fiji water. " so did you come to see my concert?" He says "ohh in the band 5sos. My friend wanted me to come really bad so I did." He takes a paper and writes numbers on it. "My shows about to start I think ur cute here's my number." He says blushing a bit. "Thanks.. I guess?" I say not knowing what was gonna happen in the future. As he runs out he says "call me later!" And with those words he runs away. I don't know why but I think my heart skipped a beat.

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