Perfect Romance

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Alberu woke up early because he have an early online meeting with some ambassadors of different companies for his upcoming project, leaving his boyfriend, Cale, sleeping on the bed knowing that he was tired, just wants to slack off and do nothing the entire day.

"Sleep well," Alberu said while kissing Cale in his eyes before tugging him under the thick blanket.

He goes up to eat breakfast and take a shower, goes to his office, and prepares the things he needed for the meeting.

The ambassadors entered the meeting one by one and the meeting went on smoothly.


"Thank you for attending today's meeting on behalf of your companies, have a good day" Alberu ended the meeting with that note and waited for everyone to leave.

Rosalyn, a close friend of Alberu and Cale, and the representative of the Breck Company was the last one to leave. But before leaving, she took a glance at Alberu's back.

"Your Cale is waiting for you," Rosalyn said with a smirk and while wiggling her eyebrows at Alberu. She immediately leave without waiting for his response, leaving a confused Alberu.

He looked back, and there, he saw his beautiful redhead boyfriend, Cale, in his shirt that looks too big for the latter. Cale was leaning on the door frame, he looks like he's about to doze off waiting for Alberu to finish the discussion. So, Alberu stood up and walk towards him.

Cale looks up to Alberu with his sleepy eyes and a small smile was formed on his pretty lips. Alberu gave a peck on his lips and picked him up. He lets Cale wrap his hands around his neck.

"Good morning, Cale," said Alberu, walking out of his office with Cale in his arms.

"Mhmm" he replied, sleepily nuzzling into Alberu's neck.

Alberu kissed the head of his cute sleepy boyfriend because of his act before looking for the clock in their living room.

"It's almost time for lunch, what do you want to eat? I'll cook," he asked, putting his boyfriend down on their couch and kneeling in front of him. ( sana all! )

He brushed off the red hair that was in Cale's face and holds his cheeks while his other hand hold onto his boyfriend's hand.

"Anything" Cale said, too lazy and sleepy to think, snuggling closer in Alberu's palm.

Alberu chuckles and quickly puts a kiss on Cale's forehead before leaving him in their living room.

He entered the kitchen and decided to just cook fried rice since it's almost lunch and doesn't have much time to cook a full meal. He quickly prepared the eggs, leftover rice, and kimchi and started cooking.

After cooking, he put two plates and the utensils on the table with the fried rice and a sunny-side-up egg for each of them. He tried calling his boyfriend but received no response, so he goes to where Cale is only to see him sleeping on the couch.

'He must have been so sleepy, dozing off on the couch and doesn't even budge when I call him', Alberu thinks while looking at Cale.

He kneels to face the sleeping Cale on the couch and lightly taps his cheeks.

"Cale, you need to eat first. Sleep on the bed after eating." finally seeing his boyfriend, open his eyes and look at him.

"Let's eat." Alberu stood up and smiled.

"Carry me," Cale said while groaning because of his disturbed sleep, too lazy to walk and maybe, still sleepy to stand up.

"Haaa, I think I pamper you a little too much" Alberu sighed but still carried Cale to the dining table and sat him on the chair.

"Eat before it gets cold," he says.


After they finished eating, Alberu stoop up, gets their plate, and put it on the sink.

"I'll wash the dishes, go to the living room and rest. Wait for me, I'll carry you to our bed to sleep." Alberu said, and after seeing Cale nod and walk to the living room, he started washing the dishes.

Putting the last plate on the rack, he washes his hand and goes to the fridge to dry it with the towel that was hung there. Quickly went to the living room where Cale was waiting for him.

"Are you still sleepy? Do you want to sleep?" he asked and Cale nodded. He carries Cale to their bedroom and gently puts him down on their bed.

"Where are you going? ...Stay here with me," asked Cale tugging the hem of Alberu's shirt who was about to leave the room.

"I'm just going to get my laptop, I still have work to do, Cale. I'll be back in a minute after getting it," he says and kissing his boyfriend that doesn't want him to leave, in the forehead.

Cale nodded and let go of Alberu's shirt, but deep inside, he doesn't want to let Alberu leave the room. "Come back right away," he said.

The blonde gave him a small smile before leaving their bedroom and goes to his office to try and find his laptop. He quickly picked his laptop and goes back to their room, only to find his boyfriend patiently waiting for him.

Sitting on the other side of the bed and leaning on the headboard, "Go to sleep, Cale." he said.

The redhead wrapped his hands around the blonde's waist and look up at him, "I love you" he whispered before snuggling into Alberu's side.

'How cute' Alberu said in his mind before placing a kiss on the top of Cale's head.

"I love you too, Cale. I'll wake you up after finishing some work" and at last, Cale fell asleep cuddling his blonde boyfriend with a small smile on his lips.

"Yeah, right, I spoil you a little too much" he chuckled looking at his sleeping boyfriend.


Alberu heard a notification from his phone so he quickly opened the message.

> So what's with Cale? Only wearing your shirt to sleep, huh?

The blonde face palmed and a light shade of red can be seen on his ears.

Stop <

Alberu replied to Rosalyn, their friend who saw Cale earlier.

> Let me guess, he's still sleeping? Hmm? What did you do the night before that made him so tired and sleep on your shirt, huh Alberu?

Please stop <

> Hmm what's that Alberu? You both did it all night?

> You know he has like, the weakest stamina.

> Ohh look here, the CEO of the Roan Company is secretly a beast in bed.

Alberu swears he can hear Rosalyn's laugh and see her teasing smirk through the screen.

That made Alberu blush heavily and leave Rosalyn on read.

Perfect Romance by: hllxrWhere stories live. Discover now