The Newest Daughter

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"I have, finally, found her!" Daphne exclaimed as she entered the library of Domino. Marion and Oritel tried to signal their eyes to the position Bloom was in, but it was no use. Daphne laid out a folder on the nearest desk.

Bloom got out of the chair she was sitting in - even though it was so comfortable. "Who have you found Daphne?" she asked her excited sister. Marion slapped her forhead with her palm.

The second Daphne saw that Bloom was in the library, she snatched the folder up. "Nothing," she replied as calmly as possible. It clearly was not calm enough. The fact that it was not calm enough and the earlier comment was enough to convice Bloom that her family was keeping something from her.

Bloom gave her sister THE glare. No one in their family could resist Bloom's glare, although Oritel and Marion hoped Daphne would be able to with stand it.

Daphne broke like a walnut, but that was still the longest anyone in the family held out. She sighed, "You have a younger sister." Bloom almost passed out at the news. Her family kept this huge secret from her. She couldn't bear to look at them. Bloom walked outside to the garden without a word. She thought her family had told her everything they knew. Obvilously, she was wrong.

Bloom had been ouside on the swing wondering what other things they were keeping from her. You're family probably has other enemies that want to kill you just to take revenge on your parents, she thought to herself, you are going to be destroyed by another enemy. As she kept thinking of more and more lies, Oritel, Marion, and Daphne were watching Bloom. Daphne decided to walk out and tell Bloom the whole story.

"Bloom I want to tell you a story," Daphne told Bloom.

"About a baby girl who had been stolen as leverage and a baby girl who had been saved by her older sister," a female voice from behind called. Bloom and Daphne turned to see Marion holding Oritel's hand.

Bloom held up her hand. "Wait a minute. I want the winx to be here so I don't have to explain this to them and have them ask me questions, in which I won't the answers." ____________________________________________________________________

Stella was in her palace when her phone began to ring. "Hello? ... Bloom, hey. ... What?! ... You have another sister. ... Ok I'll call Layla and Tecna you got the other girls? ... Great I'll see you in 20." ____________________________________________________________________

All the winx showed up in the Domino garden. "Ok now start explaining," Bloom demanded. Marion took a deep breath.

"Alright. All of this began 15 years ago, you were sent to Earth when you were 3. There is another enemy that was probably been watching you both. You were never the target. We named her Annabelle and I sewed it on a blanket. She was stolen by a man named Oskar," she explained.

As Marion was explaining, Daphne was creating an image of a little girl in Oritel's arms. Then there was an image of a man calling a storm. Lightning hit the palace and some glass scratched the little girl on her cheek. Bloom, unconsciously, touched her cheek, there was nothing there.

Then Oritel began speaking, "he had power over the weather. It scared the ancesteral witches - his power. They wanted to stop him as did we. We both had plans to stop him, little did we know our plans would be stopped by the other. Both of our attacks would stop him but once they came together," he shook his head. "All we managed to do was weaken him. So, he had his minions take her. We wouldn't attack him when he had her and he knew that." Oritel couldn't go on.

"I suppose he thought he would raise her on Earth and make her evil," Daphne continued, "but we don't know anything that happened to her after she was taken."

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