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For those interested in the story idea so far this is to help clarify some things for you so that you know what you are getting into.

First of all I am not a experienced or professional writer so if you are looking for a masterpiece of a story this will probably be a disappointment.

Second I will be creating and writing this story at my own pace, I will work on the story when I can/when I have the time but I would not expect regular updates.

Third I want this story to go through the way that I am thinking, I will read feedback and ideas that you guys leave as well as create some poll like things for you guys to vote on what happens next but otherwise I am the captain of this boat.

Fourth I am not the best at writing 18+ scenes of the more intimate kind so if I do end up writing them I would appreciate constructive feedback, I know I am not a great writer so you guys do not have to tell me that. 

Finally as I said in the description the main character, Y/N, is a new demon in hell after dying so he has no idea what it is like being a demon or having a sort of power/ability so no off the bat badass moments for them. Also while Y/N will figure out what he is doing and how to use his power the more the story progresses he will definitely not become a overpowered badass, you are were a common guy so you are not gonna have powers that surpass Hell royalty.

The point of this overview is to get a general idea of if anyone is actually interested in this idea or I am just writing it for myself, feel free to say what you think of this idea in the comments but please do not roast me for being unoriginal since I have a pea brain.

Alright now that all that is out of the way I hope that you guys end up enjoying the story, and disclaimer I DO NOT own Helluva Boss, its characters, or any of its intellectual property I am just some guy who saw it and wanted to right a story about it. 

Helluva Job (Helluva Boss x Male Reader) Hiatus will be worked on, not completedWhere stories live. Discover now