Chapter 4: Full moon

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Monday 23rd September 1991

The month of September was going pretty well for Ayla, she liked most of her classes and she had made great friends. But that night, Ayla couldn't sleep. She knew what day it was, and what her father was going through. That night was the first full moon Remus was spending with his daughter away, and Ayla did not like that feeling. Deep down she knew he was safe and Bubble would take care of him in the morning, but she couldn't help but worrying about what could happen to her dad. As another horrifying vision made its way to her mind, she stood up. She had to get out of the dorm, out of that tower. She took her wand with her and got out of the room, making sure not to wake up anyone.

She wandered around the castle, not knowing where to go, when she found herself at the bottom of the stairs to the observatory. She walked all the way up, almost running to the top. Out of breath, she opened the last door, and entered the room. It was the Astronomy classroom. There were shelves on the walls full of different astronomy instruments, telescopes and maps of the sky. The desks were disposed in circles, so there was an empty space in the middle on the classroom. Ayla walked around the desks and sat on the floor, in the centre of the room. There was no roof in this classroom, so the students could observe the night sky and study it. The room was protected by enchantments so the rain couldn't get in, or any other animal or being.

Ayla was laying on the floor, watching the stars. She almost felt peaceful in this moment, forgetting about what her dad was going through. Then, a bright light suddenly illuminated the Astronomy classroom. And then Ayla saw her. Up in the sky, appearing behind a cloud, there was the moon. The full moon. Beautiful, majestic, bright moon. Ayla realised it was the first time she saw the full moon, from as long as she could remember. She always spent her nights of full moon locked in her house, shutters closed. That moon in the sky was probably the prettiest thing she had ever seen. It was a blessing to her, and a curse to her father. How could something so beautiful cause this much harm?

Ayla stayed up the observatory for hours, watching the moon and stars. She knew she shouldn't be staying up this late, considering she had Herbology the next morning, but this was the only way she was going to sleep that night. After a while, she came down of the tower and back to her dorm. The girls were sound asleep, so Ayla took care of not making any noise going to bed.

Wednesday 25th September 1991

Ayla was sitting in the Dinning chamber, finishing a potions essay due that afternoon. Alan, who was top of the class in potions, was helping her and Amalia. Leo and Matteo were revising incantations for the Charm class of the morning. Remi was on another table, talking to other first year girls, while Sophie and Jade were finishing eating breakfast. Suddenly, Vega flew in the room, along with some other owls.

"It's from my dad," she said opening the letter.

"What does he say?" asked Amalia.

Ayla omitted the part where Remus told her the full moon had been fine, and read to her the rest of the letter.

"My dad read an article in the Daily Prophet, the English newspaper for wizards. He still has his subscription even though we live here. Anyway, apparently Harry, you know, Harry Potter, is the new Gryffindor seeker, and he's only a first year! He's the youngest in the century!"

"That's amazing!" exclaimed Alan. "Don't tell Remi though, he'll say it's rubbish he couldn't get in the quidditch club here."

Ayla smiled at that. Reading the letter, she could tell how happy and proud Remus was. He was saying James would be never shut up about this if he knew. The conversation continued on the classes they had that day, and Matteo said he was already tired just thinking about their Defence against the Dark Arts class from four to six that afternoon.

"Hey don't complain, I have dance lesson for two hours after that!" retorted Amalia.

"That's right, how do you even stay alive with three lessons a week? That's six hours of dancing every week!" calculated Jade.

"Good thing I like it then," said Amalia smiling.

Thursday 3rd October 1991

That day was the first autumn rain of the season for the south of France. Everyone was inside the common room, Ayla was reading her notes from Transfiguration class that morning, Matteo and Remi were talking about the boy who accidentally set fire to his desk in Charms class. The door opened and Sophie walked in, her drawing book in her hands. She was just coming back from art class.

"The teacher said I had a great talent," she said, smiling shyly.

"Merlin, that's great Soph'!" exclaimed Jade.

"I'm so happy for you," added Ayla.

Matteo encouraged her to show them what she was drawing in art class, and everyone was complimenting her. Remi looked through the window and remarked the quidditch club outside since their practice was starting.

"At least we don't have to play quidditch under that much rain since we're not able to enter the club," he said sarcastically.

"Don't worry, you and Alan will get in next year," Amalia reassured him.

Leo entered the room and walked straight to the group's table.

"Ayla, you told me you play piano a few weeks ago, right?" he asked eagerly.

"Uh, yes I play piano," she hesitated.

"I found a room with a huge piano in it! It's near the dance studio, and it has huge windows from where you can see the gardens! I found it while exploring a little, sorry I didn't wait for you an Amalia..."

"that's alright, we'll go explore this weekend. Thank you so much Leo!" exclaimed Ayla.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2022 ⏰

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