The moon rises in the blood soaked sky.
I am bleeding just for a butterfly not to die.
I will be free.
You will see.
I am not me.I am rooted shallow in the shade of a dead tree.
Faint voices bark in my head.
I heard what was said.
I never listen.
I am blinded by visions.
Echoes from a call.
Darkness will cause my fall.
Where my light refuse to shine.
Where shadows hands me my time.
I age by the breath I take.
I am caged by my hate.What I lost in one life.
Can never be found.
Not even when angels clash with my sound.
My screams runs rivers into tears.
My dreams are flowing into the Estuary Of Fears.
Some Sad Stories
Cerita PendekIf you ever need help you can text home/hello to 741741 they can and will help you to the best of their abilities All people ever want is to know someone cares but all can't see that people around them care with all their heart. This is a b...