Chapter 6

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Waking up to a cat pawing at your face.  Looking around you see you fell asleep watching the tv.

 Looking at the cat who was pawing at you it was mochi the new cat you got. (btw its katakuri his cat name is mochi) “hay buddy sorry I fell asleep on the couch,” you say looking at him holding his paw. You grab your phone and check the time he woke you up early.    I have work in 2 hours getting up you go to the room and get dressed for work and then go back downstairs to make breakfast when you get a call “Hello?” you say “yes I’m your mother’s lawyer.” the man on the other side says “hello what happened to my mom?” you say with a worried look “she died of natural causes we called you to make sure you get what you inherited from her will.” he says you have a distraught look on your face. You and your mother may have never got along but it still hurt when you found out. “Ok when do I have to be there?” you ask “tomorrow if that works for you.” he says “yes it will thank you,” you say then hang up looking around you see some of the cats looking at you confused and mochi was sitting on the counter having hurd the conversation. You continue to make breakfast and when you finish you call into work that you can’t come today. Your boss understands and lets you have 4 days of sick leave. That day you spend in your room just in the bed not talking or anything. / cat pov/ “what did you hear? What happened!?” Luffy pestered Katakuri. “There mom just died.” he says looking at him and his friends “oh.” Luffy says looking around at Nami and the others “that’s so sad.” nami says “I can see why she is staying in her room.” Sanji says. The rest of the day you spent in bed sulking and everyone was worried. / next day/ you get up early and get ready to leave. You grab your bag and walk to the door then you feel the bag opening it you compass was in it again taking him out of it you walk out only to be met by mochi siding on the porch waiting for you. You give up and he jumps on your shoulder and you take him with you. /you get their/ sitting in the chair across from the lawyer he reads you the will and tells you what you inherited from your mom “you have a house in the woods from miss,(l/n) and one car.” he says looking at you “out of me, my sister and my brother I get the house?” you ask “well miss,(l/n) gave them her poseshons such as lamps and collections but she saw it fit to give you the house and the car beside the car is in your name and hers.” he says looking at the papers “well I do remember the car is quite small, and I could use the space.” you think out loud “just sign here and we can get this over with.” he says you give your signature and the land was put in your name. it was in the middle of the forest your mother always liked being alone. In the end, you sign the papers and take the name of the house and car so a few days later you have Robbie drive you over with (c/n) to check it out getting the key from out of your pocket you unlock the door and enter seeing the place all dusty and boxes all over the place, (c/n) walks around sniffing around then jumps and runs back to you with another cat following them. They jumped upon you and the other cat was hissing at them. You hand your cat to Robbie and then you kneel to pet the cat and then you see a snake on it protecting it. You show your not a threat ant the cat allows you to pet them. In the end, you decided to move into your mom’s old house.

Word count [705]

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