Page two

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Well I practically already paid them back with the money they keep taking from me and using. I don’t think I owe them a single penny! I roll my eyes and scoff, that pisses him off. Next thing I know is that I am being hanged from the ceiling in the living room so everyone can see. This happens too often and is awfully embarrassing. I am here for a long time and all my brothers see, they make fun of me and Leviathan even takes pictures and posts it. Once I get lucky enough to be let go of, I yell and go to my room. Often I think of running away and just escaping them all. I have tried but living on my own costs money and I still care for my brothers, we are family. Even if they seem to forget that themselves, I sigh and sit on my bed. 

I check my D.D.D and only a few messages from the witches, nobody else contacts me unless it is my brothers. It is actually quite lonely like this most of the time, but MC hangs out with me sometimes. Which is nice, I do like them and I am pretty sure everyone else does too. I just can’t straight out say that I like them though. It's hard and awkward for me to do so. I hear commotion outside of my room, and I have nothing better to do so I get up to go check it out. I go out and head to the living room to see Diavolo, Barbatos and MC with all my brothers.

“Took you long enough Mammon! Lord Diavolo wanted all of us out here to listen to him about something.”

Asmo said in a little irritated voice, and then Diavolo smiled brightly and cleared his throat. Everyone's attention was now on him and was ready to hear whatever he had to say. He must have already told Solomon, Luke and Simeon or was going to tell them afterwards. Barbatos was standing a little ways from Diavolo, politely listening. He was always so polite and independent, people respect him. I won’t lie to myself and say that I am not jealous, but he is too polite. Doesn’t he ever just want to do something other than being a butler. My train of thought gets cut off by Diavolo’s voice.
“This weekend I am hosting a mini party with you brothers, MC and the others. I wanted to keep it a secret until most of it was ready. Also Barbatos…”

He looked at Diavolo in surprise when he heard his name, it made me smirk.

“You are to have fun and not do your duties on the night of the party. Enjoy yourself.”

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