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      "Look, I am going to be honest. There is another reason I came back. I was going to confess to liking you but, I see the way the two of you look at each other." Christian confessed.

   "You like me?" Felix asked.

  "Yeah, but you like him. So, we will focus on that. Not on what I just said." Christian waved him off.


  "No, buts. We are going to get you and him together." Christian smiled.

   Felix smiled as well. How did he get so lucky in life?

  "First things first, you need to change." Christian stood up walking to the youngers closet.

    Pulling out a baby pink sweater and some black ripped Jeans, the older of the two threw them at Felix.

   "Go put that on." Christian stated.

    Felix.stood up and went to the bathroom and changed.

   Once he was done he left the bathroom.

   "Now we set the mood and make the food. Where are the candles your sister put in your trunk?" Christian asked.

<that kind of rhymed>

   Felix pointed to the trunk at the end of his bed.

   The slightly taller male went to the youngers trunk and pulled out a box of candles.

    "Okay, before we light the candles and possibly burn the place down. We make the food." Christian smiled.

   Chan groaned and threw himself on Minho's couch.

   "What is I am too late?" Chan whined.

  Minho rolled his eyes for the umpteenth time. Glancing over to his own boyfriend who just shrugged and went back to his phone.

    A knock at the door brought Chan out of his self-loathing state.

   "Hey, we are here what happened?" Hyunjin asked.

   "He is pitying himself because he think that Felix doesn't like him." Changbin muttered.

    Minho threw a pillow at his lover.

   "Why do you think Felix doesn't like you?" Jisung asked.

   "Some guy came over and he called Felix 'my baby'." Chan huffed.

   Jisung laughed.

   "Oh, wow. Okay, uhm yeah. Christian and Felix are just friends. That is literally all they will ever be. At one point, yeah lix had a crush on Christian but, that was years ago. You really don't need to worry about Christian and Felix getting together. As for that nickname. It is something that Christian has called Felix for years." Jisung explained.

   Minho, Hyunjin and Changbin broke out into laughter.

    "I can't believe myself." Chan groaned.

    The four males who were once laughing, stared at the oldest.

   "So, what are you going to do about it then?" Minho asked.

    "Yeah, because if you don't as k him out soon. He will move on. He isn't one to stay hung up on a guy. Even, if he truly loves them if they take too long to show him how they feel, he will force himself to move on." Changbin stated.

   "How are you so sure?" Chan bellowed.

   "Because we've seen it first hand. We've also seen him get away from a toxic relationship." Jisung voiced.

    Chan sighed.

  "Two days, that is all I need." The brunet answered.

    The four friends nodded.

    Chan looked at his phone that went off and smiled.

   "What is it?" Jisung questioned.

   "Felix, he want me to come back to the dorm. I'll see you guys later." Chan told them standing up and leaving before they could say anything.

   "Whipped." Hyunjin stated.

    The three other males silently agreed.

   "Well, I guess we will find out what happens tomorrow." Jisung shrugged.

   Chan opened his dorm door. A look of awe adored his face as he looked around.

     The lights were off but, there were candles everywhere lighting everything up, including Felix who was standing by the dining table.

   "What is all of this?" The older of the two questioned as he entered the dorm.

   "Surprise?" Felix smiled nervously.

   Chan looked at the younger. The pink sweater the younger was wearing showed off his collarbone and some of his right shoulder.

    "Did you do all of this?" Chan questioned as he walked up to the younger.

   Felix let out a shaky breath.

   "I have never in my life felt like this towards someone. I have claimed to love people before but, I just... whatever I am feeling for you, I know it is real and I know t-that we have only known each other for barely 3 months but, I can say with certainty that I want to be with you." Felix confessed.

   Chan was speechless, which made Felix worry and start to gnaw at his lip.

    Chan smiled brightly.

  "You beat me to it. I was going to confess first." Chan chuckled.

    Felix looked up with wide eyes.

   "I am not sure what it is about you. But, I love you. I love your quirky habits. I love your stupidly fluffy hair. I love all 92 of your freckles. I love the way when you sit and read you surround your self with your stupidly cute duck plushies and the plushies that represent each of our friends.

    I love the way your glasses fall slightly. I love the way you put blush on your stupidly cute nose. I love you and how stupidly cute you are." Chan confessed.

    Felix smiled. His fluffy cheeks bunching up.

    "Did you call me stupidly cute?" Felix asked.

    Chan clicked his tongue and bumped his nose against the youngers.

   "Yes, I did because that is what you are. My stupidly cute strawberry scented omega." Chan stated.

   Felix chuckled.

    "Kiss me please?" Felix asked.

   Chan just nodded.

   It was a short but, sweet kiss it left them just a bit breathless.

    Leaning their foreheads against each other, eyes still closed they smiled.

   "So, will you be my omega?" Chan asked his voice a little breathy.

   "I've always been yours. Since day one. But, will you be my alpha.?" Felix asked.

   "You've had me wrapped around your little finger since day one. I will always be yours." Chan kissed the younger lightly.

    Felix smiled into the kiss.


  Fin <3

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