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11 years ago I shot out of my mother with a huge force of Satan. (no I'm not a satanist) but still I have so much Satan in me. ask my friends, they'll tell you. anyway the reason this is called "No." is because my very first word was no. it happened because my cousins would always say no about everything so I caught on. my mom asked me one day if I want to go to the park. I seriously turned around, looked her dead in the eyes, and said "No."

When I was one I had this bestfriend, Millie, we used to fight play fight play fight play off and on so much. We're still friends up to this day and we're actually hanging out rn. prob not when ur reading this. But anywayyyyy I am part Spanish, German, Italian, British, and Latina. I'm pretty good at Spanish if you ask me. mi nombre es Arianna pero puedes llamarme Ari para abreviar. Me parezco mucho a un mono porque me encanta trepar a todo y hacer sonidos de mono. TRANSLATION!! my name is Arianna but you can call me Ari for short. I'm very much so like a monkey because i love climbling on everything and making monkey sounds

My favorite colors are blue, dark green, pastel yellow, and black. don't even come at me and say bLaCk iS A sHaDe nOt a cOlOr. like i know. shut up. when I was younger I was like an idiot which I still am but I did so much stupid stuff. I was a teachers pet, always said "gUyS dOnT sWeAr iTs bAd." and overall just a little miss goodie two shoes. now I'm an opposite of a teachers pet, I'm the one swearing a lot, and I hate everything in sight. Don't you just love life? Ha not me </3

Welp thanks for reading and have a good day/night ig

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2021 ⏰

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