Meeting the rest

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Cher's P.O.V.

I told Harry I was tired and would like some rest. He smiled at me and said "Goodnight. I'll see you in the mornin' " Then he left with a wink. I felt like such a child. Being taken care of like this. But It'll get better once I remember everything.

Zayn's P.O.V.

Niall, Liam and I were out of the hospital 6 hours ago and it is now 10:00 pm. We're watching a film at our house with along with him and Eleanor. Poor Cher. But what are the odds Harry would see her there? We decide to give him a call. "Hello?" We hear "Harry!!!" We all shout "How's the lovely lady, Cher?" He hesitates then says "Erm, she's doing well. She's asleep now. I'm out in the lobby. I think I'm gonna bring her to our house tomorrow afternoon. You know let her rest until she's feeling alright. You all like to visit her?" We talked for a while. He sounded tired so we let him go. We all fell asleep while watching the film.

Harry's P.O.V.

I woke up at 8:00am and went to the small cafeteria where I picked up orange juice and headed off to Cher's room. I walk in and she's wide awake. She looks rather confused. I can tell she's been trying to remember. "Don't think to hard" I tell her with a smile as I hand her a glass of orange juice. "Thank you." She says to me. She takes a sip and continues thinking. She looks at me and says "Why are you helping me?" I was surprised by this. "We'll because we are friends." I say to her as I sit down. Her mouth opens like she's about to say something but the doctor walks in "Good morning miss. I see curly hair over here brought you some juice. You may leave at 10:00. Here-take this" he handed her a pill. She stared at it for a second then grabbed it from his hand and swallowed it with her orange juice. The doctor went over everything she can't do for a certain time and told her he'll meet up with her in 3 weeks to see how she's doing. Soon enough we were leaving the hospital.

Cher's P.O.V.

I sat in the passenger's seat if Harry's car. It was a silent car ride and I sat starring out the window. The past two days all I've been doing is thinking and sleeping. What else is there to do when you just got over a concussion and can't remember much? "Harry." I say to him "We never finished our conversation. How close of friends really are we?" I ask him as I look out the windshield. He looks at me with curiously and says to me "I mean, you know we've both been busy with music and all. We met on the X-factor and you know would go out to eat or to the movies or something sometimes. Like I said we text and stuff. Us and the boys like to goof off and stuff." He says to me with a smile. I think he's forgotten I don't remember much "The boys?" I ask him. "My band. One direction. We are all boys. There are five of us. Liam, Niall, Louis, Zayn and I. We are all good friends. We became a band from the x-factor. Auditioned as solos left as a band" he says to me rather quickly. It was all just to much

to take in. I held my head in my hand. My head was spinning and I couldn't take it all. Harry looked at me and saw me struggling and rubbed me on the back. We arrived at their house and he came around to open the car door for me. "Here we are love." He said with his cheeky smile. "Now the lads are a bit rambunctious" he says to me as he opened the house door. I look inside to find four boys and a girl still wearing their pajamas, sitting on the furniture.

Louis's P.O.V.

Eleanor the boys and I were enjoying our Sunday morning with a nice cup of cocoa and the boys playing video games. Liam and Zayn were sitting on the couch playing each other in Fifa, while Niall was reading the newspaper with his red cast on his left arm. Eleanor and I were sitting at the table updating our twitters and taking pictures of ourselves in our matching pajamas. We suddenly heard the door open. "Harry!" Niall shouts knowing it was him. "-And Cher!" I add to Niall's remark. Liam paused the game and we all got up to greet her. "Easy boys. She just got out of the hospital." Harry reminded us so we wouldn't all fill her with questions. "How are you?" Zayn asked for all of us. "I'm doing good, thank you.

Harry's P.O.V.

The boys were kind to greet her, but they didn't know she doesn't remember them. She tried to be as polite as she could. "Here Cher, you can stay in this room" I say to her as I lead her to an extra room. As we arrived I said to her "I tell you what. I'll run by your place and pick up anything you'd like while you rest here maybe try and remember some things. The boys won't bite. I promise." She nodded and wrote a list of everything she would like to have with her. I walked out of the room and began talking to everyone out in the living area "Boys, she doesn't remember much. She doesn't remember us or the x-factor, so please keep it easy. Louis and Eleanor will you two come with me to Cher's house to grab everything she needs?" I asked them. Eleanor nodded and Louis said "Lets go." With a grin and we were out the door.

Cher's P.O.V.

I didn't know these boys. Maybe their names will click like how Harry's did. I walk out of the room to talk to them. "One Direction, it is?" I asked them to try and make conversation. They looked at each then looked back at me "Ya Cher. I'm Niall" the blonde one said. I remember Harry mentioning one that's Irish. He's easy to point out. "And I'm Liam, this is Zayn." I didn't know what to say. I couldn't say nice to meet you because I've already met them. We began talking about music. I really liked these boys. They were funny and great singers. We tried to write a duet but we kept cracking jokes and we didn't get very far. Soon enough Harry and the other two got back. "Oh hello. See all of you have bonded." Louis said as he stuck his hands in his pockets. We made such a mess in the living area. We had pillows everywhere and soda bottles all over the place plus crumbs of chips everywhere. Harry brought all of my stuff to my room. "Thanks so much for getting everything. And sorry for the mess." I said to the three as I got off the ground and walked over to them at the door. "It was nothing." The girl said to me, "and by the way-my name is Eleanor. This is Louis, one of the 5 boys." I could tell by his arm wrapped around her that they were dating. I nodded to them and head to my room to unpack my stuff. I didn't know how long I would stay-but I was having so much fun I wish I could stay there forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2013 ⏰

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