chapter 9

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◇Nick's pov◇

I go to June and Alex and look my girlfriend in her eyes. She looks broken, again, she tries so hard not to cry right now.

"What happened here?" I ask June. She just looks at the ground, and i look at my girl, she gets up from the ground and walks away. I of course follow here.

"Leave Nick, i need to be alone." She says to me, i can here the pain in her voice. She sits down on the ground, with her head against the wall, she can't take it anymore and tears start to run down her cheaks.

"Baby what happened?" I ask her. I sit down next to Alex and take her in my arms.

"She run away because of us...she said to me no touching, what did we do wrong? Babe, i can't do this anymore, she doesn't want us as her caregivers, and the only thing she does right now is ruin our relationship. This needs to stop....i'm sorry" she says to me while crying. She is right, this isn't working like this, we need to change it and fast.

i get up and go to June, she calmed down and i sit next to her on a couch in the headmistress office, where we went to to talk things out. she is sitting with her head against the wall and her feet on the couch, with a big soft blanket.  she is holding a  bottle, with what looks like chocolatemilk. i tap her sholder and she looks up at me with red puffy eyes and a paci in her mouth and her stuffie in her hand.

"what's going on June, what did we do wrong that you want to run away? Mmm?! Because you made my girlfriend fucking cry!" i say in a really angry tone, she gets tears in her eyes and i realize what i just did. i put my arm around her and grab her chin gently and make her look at me. "i'm sorry that i'm so angry to you, but his can't go an like this. can you please tell me what we did wrong?" i ask softly and she looks up.

"i-" she starts but i take her paci out of her mouth first otherwish i can't hear her of course. "thank you, but i'm not the little you guys are looking for, i am bad at sharing and i don't think "sissy"  likes me that much. Alex and you are nice people, but you just don't have patience and with me as a little you need a lot of that."she laughs a lit and i give her a small smile. "this running away was, because uh.. i'm bipolar and i haven't taken my medication in a while." 

"why didn't you tell us about that?! that's really inportant to know for us as your caregivers." i say and she just shrugs and looks down. "sweetheart, is it oke for you if me and Alex are going find you another daddy or mommy?" i ask her and she looks up at me.

"that would be really nice of you, i'm sorry. but having more then 1 caregiver is oke with me, just not with more littles. you know i always thought about myself having two mommys and then we would live in this big house with a really big pool in the garden and a playground." she tells me while laughing a little. i have just the right people in mind for her, but first it's time to go back to bed.

~~~Next morning~~~

Alex's pov

 i wake up in my bed next to the love of my live and look at the clock, it's already 10 am! i quicly get out of bed and Nick wakes up too, looking at me confused.

"Nick, get your ass out of bed, it's already 10 am, where to late for school! and the girls!!" Nick starts to laugh and i just get more angry.

"Baby, it's saturday" i start to laugh to and let myself fall on the bed. "it was a really extreem night last night, and remeber we have somewhere to go today, for June." he says, i just smile at him and get up, putting on a nice dress. i walk into the bathroom and styling my hair and do my make up. after a couple off minuts i'm done and walk down start. the girls are both drinking, lexy out off a sippy cup and June surprisingly out of a bottle, i walk up to Nick who is in the kitchen making breakfast.

"How is my handsome man doing?" i say while kissing him on the lips. i take the plates and set them at the normal place on the table, Lexy and I on left and Nick and June on right.

"Babe, put June here plate at the high chear, she is really little right now." Nick say while smiling, this is probably our last day with her and we want to make it special. i walk over to the girls and tell them breakfast i ready. Lexy gets up and runs to the table, witch earns her a stern look from Nick. 

"come on baby girl, we gotta eat, there has to be food in that little belly of yours." i say to June, she looks up at me and smiles, she puts her arms out and whines a little. i pick her up from the ground and put her on my hip and take her to the table, i put her down in the high chear and sit down net to her.

Nick made pancakes and scrambled eggs with bacon. he put some on Lexy her plate and my plate. he grabs June her plate and put food on it too, he starts to cut it in all little pieces. "open up for the airplain" he say while having a baby spoon with food to June her mouth, she opens her mouth and eats the food like a big girl. "that's a good girl" Nick praise.

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