1. (edited)

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(So,, this could be a pt 2 of the other fic I have with these three or a completely different one if you want :))

In the morning Kazutora woke up early and between their two sleeping boyfriends. They ended up on their back with Chifuyu and Baji in either arm, laying on their clothed chest. Kazutora smiled as they listened to Baji's snoring and Chifuyu's soft breaths. Soon though, they felt stirring on their right side and then Chifuyu groaned. "Nng- g'morning Tora. Is Baji-san awake?" Kazutora hummed and shook their head slightly as Chifuyu sat up. "No, still snoring." Chifuyu hummed in acknowledgement and got up from the bed. "Alright, well I have to go to work today. I'll see you later, and I'll bring home dinner." Chifuyu said as he got dressed. Once he was dressed, he walked over to the side of the bed where Baji was laying and kissed the black haired man's forehead.

"Bye Baji-san. I'm going to work now, I'll bring home dinner so don't let Kazutora make anything later." Baji only huffed and stuck out a raised thumb as he nuzzled closer into Kazutora. The latter smiled and started stroking Baji's hair as he started falling asleep again. Chifuyu only rolled his eyes and smiled at his boyfriend's antics as he walked out of the room. As he pulled his shoes on he said good bye to Peke J and swiftly left the house, locking it behind him then getting in his car and driving off. Kazutora smiled as they heard Chifuyu leave and moved away from Baji's grip. Baji groaned and rolled over as Kazutora stood up and left the bedroom, walking out to the kitchen to start breakfast after pulling their hair into a messy ponytail.

As Kazutora finished setting out the food, Baji walked out with only his pyjama pants on and his hair a mess. "Morning Baji! Breakfast is on the table for ya." Kazutora said as they put the dishes in the dishwasher and walked to the table where Baji was sitting down. "You look pretty this morning. I like your hair up Tora." Baji said starting to eat the food Kazutora had set out. The latter blushed at the compliment Baji had given them. "Th- thanks Baji." Kazutora said as they sat down, blush growing as they thought too much about Baji calling them pretty. Baji didn't seem to notice Kazutora's blush as he continued eating breakfast. He also hadn't noticed Kazutora not having a plate of food for themself.

After Baji had finished eating, Kazutora grabbed his plate and put it in the dishwasher with the rest of the dishes, starting it. Baji had walked into the living room and sat on the couch, turning the tv on. Once finished in the kitchen, Kazutora went out to the living room and sat beside Baji, snuggling close to the black haired man's chest. "What do you wanna watch Tora?" Baji asked as he turned on Netflix. Kazutora stared at the screen for a second before looking back at his boyfriend. "Isn't Netflix just the thing you rent movies from?" Baji smiled as he remembered that Kazutora might not be up to date with everything. "Yes but they made a streaming service, where you can watch whatever you want whenever, and there's no commercials." Baji explained to Kazutora. The latter nodded slowly as they listened to the explanation for something that had changed since he had been arrested.

"Whatever you want, anything that you think I'd like I guess?" Kazutora said as they nuzzled closer into Baji's chest. Baji chuckled and did as Kazutora said, all while running his fingers through Kazutora's hair calmly. The two watched movies that Kazutora had never seen almost all day, forgetting about lunch and just enjoying each other's embrace and small touches. That is until Baji's hand moved closer to Kazutora's chest and they cringed in slight discomfort from the touch, moving slightly to get away from Baji's wandering hand. "Hey, you okay Kazutora? Do you not want me to touch you?" Baji asked with genuine concern. Kazutora scrunched up their nose in discomfort and awkwardness. They weren't completely sure why they had moved so suddenly but knew that they weren't uncomfortable with all of Baji's touches. Kazutora sighed and shook their head.

"No, I- it's not that I don't like you touching me, I just felt weird and uncomfortable with you touching my chest I think. I don't know why but I've been having weird feelings since I was in juvie, I guess I've just been ignoring them. Feelings like discomfort around my physical shape, I feel happy and giddy when you or Chifuyu call me things like pretty and beautiful, it makes me cringe when my full name is used, and I don't know just..." Kazutora said slowly with a slight blush dusting his cheeks, trying to be as clear and concise as they could be. Baji listened intently, though he wasn't really understanding much of what was being said. "So, you want to be called a chick?" Baji asked a bit bluntly though genuinely. Kazutora huffed out a smile and shook their head.

"I don't know Baji. I just don't like being called, or thought of as a guy." Kazutora had finally admitted not only to someone else, but to themself as well. "Well, I can try to call you less masculine things. I don't mind, as long as you're happy then I'm happy." Kazutora smiled at Baji and nodded sheepishly. "And you said you don't like your full name?" Baji continued as Kazutora lay back on the black haired man's chest. Kazutora nodded, "Yea it just makes me feel off... but I like being called Tora, cause you know, it's tiger and tiger is yin, y'know..." Kazutora trailed off a little embarrassed at their excitement. Baji only nodded quietly with a small smile and continued stroking Tora's hair while the two of them watched the tv.

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