2. (edited)

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(Also Manga spoilers if it wasn't specified before sorry ;-;)

Around 4pm Chifuyu walked through the door to see his boyfriends sitting on the couch, one asleep while the other continued to watch the tv. As soon as Chifuyu walked into the living room from the doorway, Baji saw him and smiled. "Hey there Fuyu. How was work?" Baji asked, turning his attention away from the TV. Chifuyu smiled back and shrugged. "It was okay, there was this one lady who wanted a certain dog food we didn't have and wouldn't take no for an answer. She ended up calling me *incompetent* and left with a huff." Chifuyu chuckled while sitting down next to Tora. They moved in their sleep, snuggling closer to Baji's neck. "How long has Kazutora been sleeping?"

"Few hours," Baji said, starting to stroke Tora's hair again. "I think we need to talk when he wakes up though. He might be struggling with something and I'm not scared so to say, but just a little nervous and confused?" Baji said as he turned the TV off. Chifuyu cocked his head at Baji. Before either could say anything, Tora started waking up as they groaned. "Baji, why'd you let me fall asleep? I was gonna make lunch." Tora said not yet acknowledging Chifuyu. "It's fine Tora, Chifuyu's home anyway and he brought take out." Baji said, looking at Tora as they rubbed the sleep from their eyes. "Oh hey Fuyu, I didn't see you there sorry. Do you want me to help you set the table?" Tora asked as they sat up, getting off of Baji. Chifuyu nodded as he set the food on the dining table.

Tora pulled plates from the cupboards and placed everything on the table then got a candle and set it at the table as well, to add a little aroma and ambiance to the place. Chifuyu finished setting out the food just as Baji came into the dining room. "Thank you for picking up dinner Chifuyu. I really appreciate it." Tora said as they sat down in their seat. Chifuyu waved them off and smiled. "Oh it's no problem at all Kazutora." Tora cringed slightly at their full name. "And besides, I wanted to treat you guys. I love you both very much." Tora and Baji smiled at the youngest as Baji kissed him on the cheek. "And we love you too Fuyu." Tora nodded in agreement. Baji and Chifuyu sat down with Tora and started eating. They ate in comfortable silence, only Chifuyu and Baji talking about Chifuyu's day while Tora just listened contently.

Once everyone was done, Baji took everyone's plates and walked up behind Tora, whispering in their ear, "Maybe we should talk about what happened earlier today with Fuyu. I think it'll be a good idea to fill him in on your feelings, he should know this kind of stuff, doll." Tora smiled and nodded, responding with a hushed 'yea probably'. Baji returned the smile and went to wash the dinner dishes while Chifuyu and Tora cleared the table. "What did Baji-san want?" Chifuyu asked as the two of them sat in the living room. Tora stiffened, not too sure if he was really ready to admit their confusing feelings to Chifuyu. Especially when they weren't 100% sure of their feelings themself.

"Well..." Tora breathes deeply, "There's something I think I need to talk about with you." A worried and anxious look settled on Chifuyu's face. Tora noticed and started babbling quickly. "It's nothing bad! Well, not bad for you... in a way... I- I guess?" Chifuyu only started panicking more at Tora's explanation. He could feel the start of one of his panic attacks coming on. Baji heard Chifuyu's hyperventilating and left the few plates that were left to clean in order to see what was wrong with Chifuyu. "Chifuyu, what's wrong? What happened?" Baji asked frantically. Tora was close to tears but tried to explain what had happened. "I- I wanted to talk to Chifuyu but- I think I didn't say the right thing and sent him into a panic?" Chifuyu was starting to lose his vision and couldn't hear very well, though he could feel Baji's strong hands on his arm. He tried to calm his breathing, knowing how Baji had coaxed him down from his panic attacks before.

"Hey, it's okay Fuyu. Nothing bad happened. Everything is okay. Shhh, it's alright. Try to calm down." Baji talked softly to Chifuyu as he moved his one hand slowly up and down Chifuyu's arm and the other on his back. Chifuyu slowed his breathing and eventually calmed down enough to apologize. "I- I'm s-sorry." Baji waved his apology off, "Don't apologize. You just got scared 'cause you care about Tora." Tora blushed lightly and nervously smiled. They took in a deep breath again, Baji and Chifuyu turning to look at them. "I- it's confusing but I don't like being thought of as a guy. I mean- I like when you call me cute names and shit, but like, my full name makes me uncomfortable." Tora tried their best to explain their feelings that they don't even understand. Chifuyu nodded as he listened and reached out for Tora's hand. They take Chifuyu's outstretched hand in their own and brings it to their lips. "It- it will be o-okay. Y-you don't have to e-explain yourself. As... as long as you- you're happy." Chifuyu tried to say, though he still stuttered from the previous panic attack.

Tora smiled and moved to give Chifuyu a hug, wrapping their arms around the younger and hugging him tight. Baji moved to wrap himself around the two and that was the final thing that made Tora burst into tears. They weren't sad per se, it was just a big cathartic release that Tora felt from letting his feelings and discomfort be known to his two boyfriends. "Shh, it's alright Tora. Let it out, that's it." Chifuyu muttered slowly as he felt his boyfriend shaking with tears. The three stayed in each other's embrace for a while until Tora tried to shake the two others. "I- are you both okay with this? It's okay if you're not!" Tora asked, nerves on edge. Chifuyu and Baji looked at them and smiled. "Tora. As we both said, as long as you're happy then we're happy. We still love you. Granted, it'll take a while for us to get used to but we'll try for you and your happiness Tora." Baji explains slowly. Tora sighed out in relief and smiled. Chifuyu nodded in agreement with Baji's statement and pecked Tora's forehead. Baji kissed the top of Tora's head as he held the two tight again.

"Just so we're on the same page Tora, was there another name you wanted? Or if you wanted to be called a girl? I don't know how to go about this sorry hun." Chifuyu asked slowly, not wanting to say the wrong thing accidentally. Tora's face flushed at the pet name Chifuyu had used and they shook their head with a smile. "No, I'm not sure if I want to be thought of or called a girl? I just... I don't want to be thought of as a guy." The two men nodded and hummed in understanding.

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