I'm being honest

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And the last time...the last time wasn't Emily. They always say that partners always pick up each other's habits. You might talk the same, start using the same hand gestures, having the same preferences for food. Well, you picked up Emily's tendency to downplay your pain. But hey, it always turned out fine in the past right...right?

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You are in your and Emily's shared apartment catching up on some reading while Sergio snores away on your lap. Emily had left a while ago, claiming she had something important to do that she couldn't tell you about, but that was ok, the black cat was all the company that you needed.

You are pulled away from your book when you hear the sound of the front door closing. Sergio perks up, fully awake, before jumping off of your lap and running towards where the sound came from. Assuming that Emily has gotten back, you close your book and put it on the side table before getting up and following after him. But who you see is not Emily. Instead, a large man is standing by the door, studying a framed picture you have on the wall.

"Who are you?" you ask. He looks up at you as if he hadn't even realized you had walked into the room.

"You don't remember me?" he asks taking a step closer to you. You shake your head as you take a step back.

"That's understandable," he says with a nonchalant shrug as if it were the most natural thing for him to be in your apartment having this conversation. "We haven't seen each other since you first started at the BAU."

"How did you know..." you start to ask but he cuts you off.

"I know everything about you," he says with a sickening smile. "(y/n) (y/l/n), 28 years old, youngest at the BAU, only two years younger than the genius Dr. Reid with an eidetic memory. What made you decide you wanted to be in the FBI instead of a doctor. Could it possibly have been Agent Rossi's book? He was quite the talented author in his retirement, but I see he's back now. Or maybe it was your determination to rebel against your father, who so desperately wanted you to follow in his footsteps."

This whole time he had been advancing towards you, you move away from him at the same pace. To be honest, you weren't listening very well to what he was saying, you were instead trying to figure out a way to get out of this situation. With your phone still in the living room and all of your weapons locked away in the safe, things weren't looking very good.

"It doesn't matter why you joined," he continues. "Because I'm sure Penelope is glad that you did. Did you know she's been planning you a surprise birthday party? She's quite fond of you, but not as fond as you are of Agent Prentiss." Now, this gets your attention.

"Do you really love her? Or was that just another way to get back at your parents? How did they take the news when you told them you were dating an older woman?"

"What do you want?" you question, tired of hearing his monologue.


"On me?" you ask confused. "I don't even know who you are."

"But you knew my brother," he says, in what almost sounds like a growl. "The whole team did! You guys came to the house and had him arrested. You ruined my family's reputation, ruined our lives."

"So what do you want with me?" you ask, trying not to let him see your fear.

"I already told you," he says, and it's then that you notice the knife he is holding in his hand. "I want revenge. How do you think the BAU will feel if they let something happen to the youngest, least experienced member of the team?"

Suddenly, it feels like everything happens in slow motion as he lunges at you with the knife. You grab the closest thing to you, which luckily happens to be a flower vase.

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