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The sun shone, piercing the cloudy autumn morning sky, infiltrating the brightly coloured hotel room. Rachel groaned, curling herself further into the warmth of the body beside her, goose bumps rising on her naked back from the duvet cover she had pushed away during the night.

She wasn't ready for the day, not just yet. She wanted to bask in the magic of the night before just a little bit longer. The man, Killian, had been everything she both needed and wanted; he had enough roughness and passion to shake the room, but still treated her with as much care and dignity that let her know that he respected her.

They had sex multiple times throughout the night, and even when they weren't Rachel still felt connected with him; the way he listened to her speak made her believe he cared, and she found herself sharing things that she hadn't dared to share with anyone else. She told him about how strained her relationship was with her mother, she told him about how her father had been the one to encourage her to do music, and how much she missed them both. Even though it was just sex with a stranger she might never see again, Rachel felt as if something in her life had been made right by just being with him.

The light buzzing of a phone ringing somewhere nearby, just as unforgiving as the daylight had her growling once more. The man beside her also roused at the sound, that and her constant squirming beside him. He wrapped an arm around her waist, effectively stopping her movements as well as giving her a generous feel of his excitement to see her. Rachel bit her lip remembering the night before; if that was anything to go by, she was more than excited to see him again too.

He leaned over, picking up the buzzing phone and answering, his gruff morning voice managing to turn her on even more. "Killian speaking."

He was silent, his eyes trailing over her appreciatively. She bit her lip and gave him a playful, flirty smile and silently, praying she didn't look like she had been dragged through a hedge backwards.

"Yeah, I'm already there. I'm sure I can stay in town a few more days." Killian's voice was business-like, though she could hear a fondness lingering underneath it. He paused listening to the other person for a moment before replying. "Adam, stay with your wife and kid, they need you more. It's fine. Besides, there's something here I still have to do."

His eyes shot to Rachel then, who was currently looking about the room in her naked glory as she looked for her clothes from the night before. She supposed she should probably go home soon so that, at the very least, her mother wouldn't have to worry if she had died somewhere. Ever since the town started expanding, she was always fretting that it wasn't as safe as it used to be.

"No problem. Take care, bye." Killian hung up, putting his phone down on the bedside table beside him. He picked up the black lacy thong off the lampshade, turning his attention back to Rachel who had abandoned her search now that he was off the phone. "You looking for this?"

He held out the offending garment on his index finger, teasing her. Rachel lunged for it, but Killian easily flicked it across the room and pinned her body against his. "Hmm, you didn't think I'd let you get away that easily did you Angel?"

"Hmmm, sounds like you have work to do." Rachel murmured, pecking his lips gently. He rolled her over, deepening the kiss and successfully pinning her below him. His hands, heating her skin with his touch as his hands grazed her sides; the sparks between them, both metaphorical and physical, flying once again.

"It's still early," Killian breathed between kisses. His lips trailing from her lips, across her jaw, down her neck... then further. "Besides, it looks like I'll be in town a little longer. I want you to stay with me."

Rachel moaned, halfway between not caring about his words and not wanting him to stop. The sound of his voice, gravelly and dark against her only made him want her more; she wanted him to whisper filthy promises in her ear, for him to tell her that he wanted her.

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