16 2 5

Marshal: uh oh...

Chase: alright marshal i need you to-

As chase was about to finish his mid sentence he realized that the dally was in deep though,Chase obviously confused walked up to marshal and tapped him in the shoulder to snap out of his mini trances,which worked being the dalmatian jumped and bit and spun his head around to face chase

Chase: You good there bro? 

Marshal: NO! its I'm not good! i forgot to hide my face a-and My BODY! What will they do if they see me like this?? they'll be horrified by my features!

Chase: Marshal listen calm down! they will not be horrified by your face,yes your body is sort of well off  it still doesn't mean they will be scared of you they will know its you after all your the only one that wears red and has a fire suit

Marshal: b-but what if they humiliate me!? i don't wanna be looked weird.....

Chase: Marsha-

Marshal: no...I'm not going out there

Chase: but we need you just in case someones hurt!?

Marshal: I know that! but I think its better off i don't interfere.

Chase: but..

Marshal: No is no its final,and either way i did teach you a bit of medical stuff you should be able to do this without any issue

Chase: yeah a  LITTLE!

But with that Marshal ran back to his firetruck and hopped on starting of the engine and riding off leaving Chase alone to help the others,Chase being Chase wanted to go after his pal,couldn't cause he knew he has work to do first so Chase decided that he would accept it and go and help the individuals that were in the beach trying to get out of there as soon as possible.

minutes passed and chase was able to help a few family and lead them out,while rubble and Zuma did the same,then arrived Rocky and Skye as they both jumped out and gather in a group to discuses their plan

Rocky: Alright chases was the plan?

Skye: wait a second guys,where's Marshal?

Zuma: I was thinking of that actually whewe is he??

Chase: Marshal is fine, ill tell you what happened  when we are done with this mission right now we need to focus

everyone agreed and all stared at Chase for directions which Chase had to think for a few seconds until a plan popped out

Chase: alright Rocky and rubble i need you to close down the beach and make sure no one enters 

R/R: Yes sir! 

The both nodded and ran up the beach and placed some of chases cones around so no car nor person could trespass

Chase: Skye i need you to get on your helicopter and see if you can spot the shark if you can immediately contact me and Zuma

Skye: understood!

Skye spun around running to her helicopter and got in and slowly levitated from the group and flew up to where she was just a small noticeable dot in the sky,chase then turn around to face Zuma

Chase: now...the scariest part 

Zuma: mhm..

Chase: you and me we will get in our diving suits and find the shark.when we find it we will try and lead it out of the beach and into the ocean.

Zuma: but how will we lead it out?

Chase though for a bit figuring out what sharks might like until he though of something

Chase: okay- first we have to know ifs its either a baby or an adult if its a baby we can give it fish but if its an adult we would need something bigger,wayyyyy bigger

Zuma: well i do have some dead fish in my hovewcraft! and some squid jewky as well.

Chase: Fantastic! Now if its adult we will need a plan B..

Chase was soon interrupted by Skye which caught Chase off but replied

Skye: Chase! I Found the Shark!

Z/C: Really!?

Skye: Yeah! but I'm not really sure what type it is tho?

Zuma: Skye dose it have a gwey almost black back and that switches white shawply??

Skye: uhh...yeah?

Zuma: oh no- 

Chase: What's wrong?

Zuma: im afwaid thats a gweat white Shawk!

Chase: A WHAT


Marshal arrived at the lookout and quickly parked his truck to transform it into his little pup house,he opened up the door and bent down to enter due to his increase in height and then shut the door as he splat himself on his dog bed feeling angry at himself for leaving Chase and the rest behind.

Marshal: urghhh WHY Marshal WHY!

He slammed a pillow on his face and groaned feeling guilty,he wished he didn't eat all those carrots,he still wondered what really made him change into a orange dally instead of a white and black dalmatian but nevertheless he wanted to just go back to normal

after a couple seconds he lifted up his head to meet a mirror of him,he slowly examined his face putting his paw on his cheek and face to see if it was paint,unfortunately for him it wasn't,he also realized that his eyes weren't the normal sky-like blue but more of a castleton green,he didn't really get upset over it but sort of liked the new color which was really the only thing he found good about his "new" look

Marshal: maybe-i could experiment? who knows what if he gave me powers 


Marshal: nah what am i thinking that'd be stupid....

Marshal: unless?

Marshal opened the door as he stepped another foot he bumped his head aching in pain as he held his head with his paw

Marshal: oww- okay I'm already in a bad state why this??

Marshal shacked it off and headed outside to see if he had any "powers",Marshal tried almost everything,he tried flying but ended up just falling face first into the ground,he tried super speed but only ran at his normal speed,he tried fire powers like when he mighty powers,but that also didn't work out he tired so many ways that he was getting frustrated which is rare for marshal sense hes probably the most cheerful pup there is but something was making him feel anger,irritated he really didn't know how to describe it,it was all so knew to him. Boom. he punched a tree making it crack and fall the opposite direction of him obviously scaring the dally as he backed off the tree and slowly looked at his fist....

Marshal: Woah......

A/N: annnnd with that concludes chapter 6 of Paw patro and the giant carrot,ik this took a while but as you remember from my last A/N i was busy with a lot of stuff now i am going into a track and field,I'm working on some animations and drawings for special occasions that are happening soon,working out,yk all of that but again i will keep on updating the book  the best i can (hopefully lack of motivation doesn't screw me up) but yeah i hope you all enjoyed the episode and i will see you guys in the next one.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2021 ⏰

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