You're What I Bleed For(What I Breathe For)

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He didn't notice it right away.

The first thing Loki did after helping Sylvie kill Kang was race back to the TVA in search of Mobius. Once he found him, his primary objective was to wrap the shorter man up in his arms and never let go. They eventually separated after B-15(Who's real name turned out to be Beatrice), threatened to whack them on the head if they didn't get a move on. They let out a chuckle before Mobius grabbed him by the hand and led them through a portal towards a new future together. Loki thought that he'd have all the time in the world after that.

He didn't realize that his lover would not.


Nobody knew how old Mobius truly was. Sylvie had attempted to find out using her enchantment powers, but the analyst's memories were too damaged to access. Loki tried to apologize to him, but he shut the Góð up with a searing kiss. When he pulled away, the man was amused to see the look of confusion on his boyfriend's face.

"Mobius, aren't you upset?"

"Not really, there's nothing to be upset about."

"But you had your entire life taken away, and I  can't even help you remember it!"

"Loki, none of that matters," Mobius said as he cupped the other man's cheek," as long as I can make new memories with you...then I don't need anything else."

Loki gave a watery laugh before leaning forward to hide his face in the crook of the agent's neck.

"I love you, Mobius."

"I love you how about you, me, and the other magic kitten get the heck out of here and find ourselves a new timeline?"

"That sounds like an excellent plan."


They wound up settling into a reality that was far away from the sacred timeline's path. Thanos never existed there and the Loki of that universe had already died centuries before the time they arrived in. Loki was originally going to settle on Earth, but Mobius insisted they go to Ásgarð, saying that they needed a Loki and Loki needed them. It was awkward at first, explaining to Thor and everyone who he was(Except for Frigga of course, she seemed to already know everything), but they were welcomed with open arms. Even Sylvie, who had been unsettled since childhood, managed to fit right in. She and Beatrice worked with Sif on reforming the Valkryies, while Loki showed Mobius the flying boats that he deemed "the best magic jet ski ever."


It was on Mobius's nameday that everything went wrong.

Since he couldn't remember the actual date of his birth, Loki asked him if he wanted to pick a day to celebrate.

"August 15th."

"That's awfully specific, any reason you want that particular date?"

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