NIGHTMARE - 11/10/21

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Night of 11/10/21

I find myself stranded in the middle of the night in the middle of nowhere. I'm walking down the road as I look to my left I noticed a gate to a driveway. I jump over the gate, and walk towards the door. As I walk up to the door I noticed the door knockers. The medal holding the ring is a bouquet of ferns. I noticed the door slightly ajar, I decided to go against my knowledge of every horror movie ever and open the door.

As I open the door I admire the interior hallway. All of the sudden my stomach growls. I think myself, I should find something to eat. I walk down the hallway towards a room that has two sets of staircases leading to a balcony to the second floor. On the left and right of the room are hallways leading to other rooms. In the middle of the staircase underneath the balcony is a large doorway leading to a living area. I fight in my head which way to go, and eventually decide to go to the left.

I walk down the hallway, and coincidentally enough the first door on the left is the kitchen. As I look around the kitchen, my eyes land on the metal fridge. I walk towards it in hopes of finding food. As I open the door, I hear a thud behind me. I quickly turn around and notice a tall lean man in the doorway of the kitchen.

Despite his somewhat ragged look, he calmly and sweetly ask why I'm in his house. I reply" I got lost, I stumbled upon your house, and when I got in I realized I was hungry. I'm terribly sorry for the intrusion, but I have no means of contacting my family." The man looks at me surprised, calmly stepped towards me, and asks if I need a phone to contact my family. I reply, " that would be very kind, if you don't mind, I would be very grateful."

He leads me out the kitchen, down the hall, up the stairs, and to the first hallway upstairs. As we get to the phone,he asks my name. I reply, " Mori, and you?" He says his name isnt important. Feeling creeped out by his response, I quickly smile at him, thank him, and grab the old style phone. As I am dialing my home phone number, he says he'll be right back. I nod and finish dialing the number. Someone picks up and I say," hey, it's Mori, I kind of got lost, I need picked up" My brother anwered," yeah I can pick you up, just tell me where you are." I replied," the thing is, I don't exactly know where I am, I'm at this creepy old mansion in the woods, the one with the fern door knocker. Can you hurry im-" I feel a hit to the back of my head and I fall to the ground. I look up to see the man. He hangs up the phone and the darkness comsumes me.

I wake up to the man walking me out a doorway and to bench in a hallway. He goes to sit me down but before i can notice due to my sleepiness, he shoves a foot long sewing needle into my thigh. I sream in agony as he pulls it throught the other side if my leg. As Im wreathing in pain, he shoves it through my other leg and then goes back and forth between thighs. He finnaly stops and ties a few knots on the outside of my right leg. I start panting in pain as he walks out a door to go grab something. I look down at the bloody mess that is my thighs and i notice im not in the same clothes i was in before i got knocked out. I look over and notice serveral other people. I look down at their legs and see the man did the same things to them. I go to move my leg a little and feel a pull. We're connected by the thread. I look around for anything to cut the thread so I can ease the pain, but I can't find anything. I decide to check the pulse of the person next to me.

They have a heartbeat. I shake them a little so i can wake them up. They flinch, go into a defensive position, and look at me. I do my best to show i am no threat. They quickly look at my thighs and begin to ramble about how the guy got another person. I calm them down and ask if they could wake up the rest of the people. They agree and within a minute everyone is wake. Deciding that im not dying here, i catch everyones attention and whisper a plan to get out. After explaining the plan we all stand up, quietly groaning in pain. We slowly walk out the doorway and down the hall. In the process of walking, someone in the middle trips, i hear a groan. The thread snapped. I notice on the beige carpet that there are red stains and i look at out legs.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2021 ⏰

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