Love Bash And Crash

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                                Vinnie's POV

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                                Vinnie's POV

Pulling into the driveway, I parked the car and started laying out drinks and chips for my summer bash. I couldn't help but feel like this summer bash would be very different from the rest, my mood in general was different then usual. The one thing going through my mind was the situation with Sig. I wanted to speak with her, I missed her company and her diva attitude. Life was different without her, I needed her with me even if it would be as friends. As my thoughts continued to flow, I heard a noise coming from upstairs, it was quite loud. Like someone trying to sneak out. I hadn't been home the night before, so I was confused. I looked up to see the one person I had been longing for.

"SIG!?", I questioned as she walked down the stairs.
"Hey um sorry if I scared you, Vani invited me to spend the night last night and I was just about to leave", she said heading hurriedly for the door.
I knew I needed to stop her, but she looked so annoyed and disturbed to see me so I didn't want to stop her.
So I said, "I hope to see you later tonight!"
She exited with a small smile. I should have talked to her then and there, but I couldn't find the words to do so. The tension between us was awkward and I didn't think it was the right time.
An hour later Vani came down the stairs and started interrogating me like I was some murder.
"Why didn't you stop her ?"
"You could have ended this tension y'all have."
"Alyssa is a bitch , cut her off already!"
Why haven't you cut her off?"
"Are you still worrying about your popularity?"
"I thought you changed your ways?"
All of these questions hurt my head. It was all overwhelming.
"Vani you don't always need to butt into my life choices, okay!?"
She rolled her eyes and ran upstairs.
Later that night
People arrived bringing in beverages and food. People were dancing and living it up, almost everyone except me. I still didn't feel totally right about everything, so I drank two cans of beer. The girl I awaited still hadn't shown after about an hour. So I started playing beer pong to distract my self. Me and my friend J were instantly winning, we were so into the game that I didn't notice the girl who I wanted to see so badly had already walked in. As I turned away from the beer pong table I was met with a surprise.
"Hey Vin!" She said looking at my eyes then my lips with a smirk.
"Alyssa? We got to talk.", I said pushing her hand off my chest.
"Can we skip the talking?", she said pouting.
"No.", I replied grabbing her arm and gently leading her out the back door where the music was loud.
I knew that leading her on wouldn't be good , so I needed to end whatever we were in this moment.
"I've been thinking about all the shit that's been going on lately and I'm over it. I'm tired of always hearing your name in drama. It's so overwhelming for me , especially with our whole deal about popularity. I'll admit I had some feelings for you, and I know you had some for me too. But, you chose to use me for your sexual desires. Sure, it was consensual, but I didn't know any better. I was little when we started fucking around. Im tired of you thinking you can control me. I'm not some toy you can just fuck whenever you want. It hurts because for a moment I thought I was falling for you. That was until someone taught me what an actual relationship should be like.", I stopped and waited for a response.
Alyssa spent a minutes staring at the ground, conflicted. Like she never knew that I felt the way I did.
"Vinnie, I would never intentionally want to hurt you. You know that. Don't you? I thought you liked all the things we did!? And this person who taught you what a relationship looks like ? It's Signa, isn't it?!", she stared at me with scorching eyes.

I nodded.

"How would a bitch who steals peoples men know how to treat someone in a relationship?! Tell me! Now ! Vincent!", she demanded.

"Don't act like we agreed to be fully committed to one another Alyssa! We were never supposed to be a true couple! This is why I'm breaking whatever this is off!", I said annoyed by her ignorance.

She knew we were never gonna actually commit to one another, so she shouldn't act like it.
"I...I - I need a minute", she said on the verge of tears.
I was quick to go back inside. Now that the situation was checked off my list I went to grab another drink and headed to the front yard to catch a breather. As I was about to sit on the porch I saw Sig and Vani laughing on the porch swing. Just the person I wanted to see.

"Oh look it's the sad boy! Awww are you gonna cry?!", said Avani mockingly.

"Haha very funny.", I said.

She had seen me and Alyssa arguing earlier in the backyard and quickly went inside.

"Hey Sig , can we talk?" , I asked anxiously.

She slightly nodded.

"Oh shit. This is my cue to leave", Vani said heading inside.

"Please just listen and then tell me anything that's on your mind. I called me and Alyssa off because I told her that you taught me what a relationship looks like. Now look Sig , I don't enjoy being vulnerable, but you make me this way. You remind me of my better times in life. I don't feel like being popular matters with you. You've always treated me normally. You make me smile endlessly. I know that things got rocky with Alyssa, and I'm honestly sorry for that. It wouldn't have happened if I had called us off before. I enjoy your company and I miss you. You're genuinely a beautiful person and I'm into you... So I must ask... can I take you out on a date? You can get to know the real me and we can figure out what we have.", I waited as she fiddled with her hands.

"Yes.", she said looking up from her hands in to my eyes with a small smile.
"I would love to Vin.", she said.

"How about next Saturday at 12, it's going to be a surprise though...", I said smirking.
"Sounds lovely", she said.

She quickly gave me a kiss on the cheek and ran inside.

I think my night got a hundred times better....

Hello beautiful humans! Hope you liked the chapter! Also wow I come back to the app and this book has 7k reads?! That's insane! Thank you <3

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