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❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧PROLOGUE❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧

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⎯⎯⎯"FANCY SEEING YOU HERE," Jason DiLaurentis smirked, stepping towards Prudence Hardy and curling his hands around her waist, "Aren't you supposed to be at a sleepover with my sister?"

Prudence rolled her eyes, "Jason... I can't find Ali... We all fell asleep and, well, I woke up to go to the toilet and she was gone. Is she here?"

Jason's smirk suddenly faded to a frown, "No, she's not. Are you sure she didn't just go into Spencer's house to go to the toilet or something?"

Prudence shook her head, "I couldn't find her and I'm... I'm worried. Spencer woke up and went to find her too, but she hasn't text so I don't think she knows where she is."

Prudence knew she'd probably run off to play some kind of prank. Either that or she was with the mystery older boy she'd been boasting to Prue about dating.

"I know she's probably just trying to scare us but she's succeeding, Jase," Prudence bit her lip, "I'd be lying if I said I didn't offer to come check here in hopes you'd answer the door, though."

Jason's smirk returned, sending Prudence's heart racing, "Hm, is that so? I figured as much since you do have my number, but have shown up at my front door in a nightie rather than calling."

Suddenly Prudence couldn't focus on anything but the way he eyed her in her little red slip night dress. She tugged her coat a little tighter around her frame for a moment, but Jason seemed to have other ideas.

She could smell the alcohol on his breath as he leaned down to kiss her, scooping her close to him as he did so. But she was still tipsy, too, and kissing Jason had been on her mind all day, so she obliged, deciding to scold him later for being so drunk right now.

"We have to be careful though," Prudence swallowed thickly as she pulled back, "Ali could be here any minute. And I am worried about her, where could she be?"

Jason shrugged, "She could be anywhere, you know Ali. She's the queen of secrets, always sneaking off somewhere or another. Can I have five minutes with my girlfriend before I start to stress about my crazy sister's whereabouts, please, Prue?"

"Hm, depends how those five minutes are spent, I suppose?" Prue bit her lip teasingly, only to be tugged in the door and pushed against it as it was slammed shut.

Jason's lips found hers again in a frenzied kiss as her hands tangled in his hair, his grip on her waist resuming with urgency.

"I've missed you, princess," he panted, "I know it's only been a few days, but it's been driving me crazy."

He kissed her quickly again, lifting her up by her thighs and turning to carry her to the couch.

"I'm not the only one who wasn't in town, am I?" Prudence smirked, biting back a gasp at the way his lips found her neck, "How about we make up for lost time?"

Before they could continue, however, the snap and flash of what could only be assumed was a camera startled them apart and Prudence slipped from Jason's grasp to the floor as he collapsed on the sofa's cushions.

"What was that?"

"I don't know I think the kitchen lights flickered? But... It's kinda ruined the moment," Prudence giggled, gesturing to her position on the cold floor, "I should—uh, get back to the girls. Maybe Ali's gone back?"

Jason looked disappointed.

He reached down to help her up, standing beside her and stuffing his hands in the pockets of his trousers as his eyes twinkled at her, "What if I don't want you to go?"

"Tough, baby," Prudence joked, poking her tongue out, "I'm just going to quickly go to the toilet and splash some water on my face to sober up some more, is that alright? Then I'll head out."

Jason nodded reluctantly, "Alright, Prue, fine," he whined, "But you have to promise you'll keep me updated and make sure I know you're safe. And call me in the morning... I'd like to pick up where we left off ASAP."

Prudence winked, leaning in to kiss him again softly, "It's a promise. I love you."

"I love you too, princess."

Prudence watched Jason head back upstairs to his bedroom as she wandered over to the DiLaurentis' downstairs bathroom.

Just as she reached for the handle, she was startled by a figure at her side, "You're fucking my brother? Really? I expected better from you, Prudey."

"Ali! There you are," Prudence sighed out in relief, though her heart was racing at the fact that Alison had found out she was seeing her brother, "I was worried... I came to see if you were here."

"And to screw my brother, clearly," Alison scoffed, crossing her arms, "I knew this had been going on. I've been waiting to see if either of you would tell me... Or if he'd told you that you were really just his side piece."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"...Oh so he hasn't told you? He has a girlfriend. A proper one. Her name is Cece," Alison looked smug telling her best friend this, "Sorry, P. You're not his one and only after all."

Prudence was speechless, tears pricking at her eyes, "I don't—Are— He's really cheating on me?"

"Oh sweetie," Ali cooed, but there was venom in her tone, "You're the one he's cheating with. After all, he's sneaking around with you isn't he? He doesn't have to do that with her."

"You're lying... You have to be," Prue choked out, "He wouldn't do that... I know he has a lot going on and he's—he's still drinking and taking drugs but... but he's cutting down and he wouldn't hurt me like that."

"The truth can be a bitch sometimes, Prudey," Alison pouted, "Anyway... places to be, people to meet. We'd best leave, eh? I won't be gone long, but you'll be fast asleep when I get back. Well, if you can get Jason off your mind."

And with that, Alison left the house without another word and left Prudence in stunned silence.

"Rot in hell, smug bitch," she whispered under her breath, furious at Alison's behaviour, "And fuck this family."

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authors note — so there's the prologue folks ! i still feel icky about the age gap but she's a year older than the others to make it a tiny tiny bit less weird eek

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authors noteso there's the prologue folks ! i still feel icky about the age gap
but she's a year older than the others
to make it a tiny tiny bit less weird eek

hope you enjoyed, more updates coming
very soon <3 please let me know what you think !

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