He has to be the One

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     Why does he have to be here at this school where I go and stay so close to me... Ugh. I'm like well you know, IN LOVE With him.
     So, this guy which his name is Liam is so perfect. He is cute sweet funny caring etc, etc. If you are to ever see him you would feel the same way.
Even though we are the same age he is a grade ahead of me because of how my birthday falls and school how it starts.
     When ever he talks to me I like start to panic. I don't know what to do. If your crush of your dreams,the guy you want to spend your life with just walks up to you and says hey would you freak out or nah?
     He slays. Oh,that's just an fwi to you people. I wished that one day he would realize how much I like him,wait no I am very sorry I mean love him.
I think it is just that we both fall in to two different categories when it comes down to us and a friendship or even the whole dating word.
     So,when I go back to school next week I am wanting to actually start talking to him a WHOLE lot more (often).
     I could change for him,but I was raised and taught to never ever change for a guy especially at such a young age.
     When I am around him I have this weird tingling sensation up and down back and fourth head to toe in my body. And I kinda love this sensation I get from him and his presence.
You know how people say I would kill to be with them? Well when I say this I do but don't in both ways mean it. I would love for the word you know,um what is it,oh yeah us to ever happen.
I don't see how someone so fine and sweet also very caring could be you know,single.
     Me and my friend always smile at each other when we see him,because we know how I feel about him and she tries to get him to see it but I always find a way to get out of it because I don't really want him to know about my huge crush on him.
So ever since me and my ex broke up I have been very sensitive when it comes to dating because he was a total jerk to me and my family but for some reason I'm still in love with him and I was the one to break it all off between us two.
     But, maybe one day I'll realize that them 5 months we was together was just a huge and important lesson I learned and needed to be thankful for it and it would help me in the future and I could use that to also help other family members, relatives and even my own kids when I do have some one day.
     This morning, my friend had called me and said how is it going between you and mcdreamy? And she doesn't go to the same school as I do anymore. And I really hate that because we was so close almost every one we was to ever go around or anything thought we was sisters or was even kin.
     My other best friend or BFF lives in Kentucky. She and I may not know each other personally, but she does still mean a lot to me and I would do any thing for her because she has really helped me through some very hard and difficult times.
     Today, when I got back to school I saw him standing by the gym. He was on fleek (on point). Like always. I mean how can some one be so hot and cute and ehhh #oml like for real people.
     As I'm I guess you could say casually walking up to him, I ask him how was your week out if school? Like most boys he replied with"it was chill" .
Well I know not most guys you would probably know or speak to but the guys that at my school or the guys I do know.
     After that I say that is cool I mean yeah I guess so what'd you do the whole time besides you know the usual ride your 4-Wheeler and dirt bike? He responded with" oh not much then".
After that we made eye contact and both started gazing and staring and smiling. Then laughed.
     I knew from right then on out we had some kind of connection. It maybe wasn't I guess you would call it a perfect one but it still was a connection between us.
      Last night when I got home, I was smiling like an idiot. Every one in my family was staring at me and creepily asked why I looked like an idiot? I really couldn't tell them the real reason why so I lied about it and told them it was that I had all good grades and my best friend did to.
     When I was walking into my class room,late because my alarm clock didn't go off,I saw him walking out if his room and he walked up to me. When he got up beside me he said I think your really pretty. I smiled and smiled and when I was in my classroom and was the "teachers pet" I guess you could say.
     I answered all questions helped all the people around me and lots more, but it doesn't matter right now.
     Later that day I asked my friend if she could help me by giving me some I guess you would or could say "advice" .
     Well that went all down hill. I wished she would realize that what she is saying right now is coming out all gibberish.
     I really have to work up the nerve to tell him that I like him. Wait should I tell him that I'm in love with him,too? No no I'll wait defiantly for sure before I tell him that. I don't even know if I will ever be able to tell him how I felt about him and that I like him and he is cute,sweet,funny and caring.
     When I got home like as soon as I walked into the door my phone was ringing off the wall. I answered and it was him. I swore it was. His voice. It had to be.
     Hello? I answered. Hey is this Brianna? Uh yeah why what's up? Oh nothing much,I'm well wondering if you would happen to be free Saturday night? I pretty much screamed at him. YES.
     He said well that's great. So do you want to join me this weekend? I'm going mud riding and I know your into that stuff so will you it will be just you and I.
     Oml. YES. I'll go. What time do I need to be ready and all? Well what ever time you wanted it was fine with me. Okay so I guess around 1 if you'd like. Yeah that's perfect, so see you at school tomorrow. Okay bye.
     Fwi today is Thursday. Well I have to get some sleep for tomorrow we have lots of testing.
Okay so today was awesome. He brought me flowers and he said because you mean a lot to me. I couldn't stop smiling but all if this seemed weird. We never talked and then all the sudden this.
     When I get home I have to find some cloths to wear.
I went to bed a little late because I was so excited and all. But, when 12:30 rolled around he came and picked me up. We ran back to his house because he wanted to make sure he had everything.
     It went really good until he got stuck and we was playing around and he said stay on while I try to push it and you gas it a little. Okay but please be careful. Okay I will babe. Wait he is calling me babe now. Wow I think he can read my mind.
     I thought about what he had said and was like that little cutie is mind reading, me how could he.
I don't even care I want him really bad now. And I am pretty sure I have him. My life is taking a turn for the best ever. Yay I'm loving this.
     He hollerd out and told me to give it a little gas. I did what he said and I purposely did it a little to much to get him a little muddy. He said really I see how you going to be then ran up to me and and hugged me.
     This is moving towards the right direction, right? Then all the sudden he was so close to my face. He was trying to kiss me. I closed my eyes and let him kiss me.
     I kissed him back then I lightly bit his neck hoping he would see that I'm very interested. Good think he caught on fast.
     Now we was making out. Wow this is so great.
After two hours of hanging out we finally headed back towards my house and he told me that he has liked me since the very first time we talked to each other and I haven't ever felt so great being around someone.
     When I got home my family had asked how did it go? I responded with it went well, I think he is the one.
     I'm in my room now and then all the sudden my phone is ringing and its him.
I have bad news and I'm very sorry can you meet me at the end of your road in five minutes? Yeah sure.
     When I got there he had said some of my family from Idaho is going through a lot and my uncle just died and my cousin is in the hospital and much more its all horrible.
    Your the only one that I have told and I don't want to have to leave but me and my family has to go there for a little while and do what we can to help them.
     Okay its all fine. I said. You sure baby? Yeah yeah its good. He could see the tears in my eyes to start rolling down my face and he gave me a hug then kissed me. I then really started to cry. Then I said I have to tell you something.
     Okay baby anything. Well I have really liked you ever since you moved hear and always had a crush on you and now that all this happened and you moving away its all to fast. I'm sorry but I just had to tell you and I-I-I think I love you.
      Oh really you love me? Yes and I wished I wouldn't have told you now I'm embarrassed.
Don't be because I really want to be with you for the rest of my life because I thought you was the one and only for me.
     At that point I was smiling like an idiot again.
I leave in a week maybe two and I want to be with you all day every day no matter what.
I'd love to spend it with you.
     Can you stay over tonight with me I'm sure your mom wouldn't mind? He asked. I'll ask hold on I'll call her. She said yes. Okay that's great. Hey I need to run back to the house for some cloths. No you don't you can sleep in my shirt and shorts. Okay thanks baby. No problem.
     When we got to his house I was smiling because I had completely knee I fell hard and fast for him.
Hey Liam? Yes babe what is it? You sure you want me to stay with you what would your friends say? Yes I'm sure and I don't care what they will say about this because I love you and your now my entire world and I'm going to keep you forever.
      That made me tear up and cry he was so sweet.
Five days has already passed and every day I get more and more depressed. I mean I can't help it he is going away for a year or so.
I want him to be here with me.
     Liam I hope you know that your my world and I would die for you and kill for you no matter what was going on between us because you are the best friend or boyfriend any girl could ever imagine.
He leaves in the morning. I'm crying and I am staying at his house tonight.
     Tonight he said I have something for you. I was like okay babe. When it was time we went to bed he said here and he held out a little box. I said awe thank you baby you didn't have to get me anything. Yes I did now open it. It was a promise ring. Awe I started to tear up and I hugged him which led to us kissing then I said night i love you.
We watched TV and I fell asleep with my head on his chest.
     At about 8 am he woke me up. "Hey baby I have to get ready in a minute when you're awake I'll run you home."" Okay I love you."
     Well baby I have enjoyed every second I have been with you and I'll always be yours forever and I'll call you every day.
     I couldn't say anything or I would cry. So I just hugged him and kissed him. By now I realized he had picked me up hugging me.
He put me down and he only had three hours to finish getting everything he needed. I said,"do you need to get going baby?"" Nope I'm staying with you until I have to go."" Awe okay. I love you."" I love you too boo."
      And after all that was done and said we was sitting down watching nature do it's own thing.
"Bye baby I love you and I'll miss you and be safe on the trip there. I will and I love you more than words could ever describe and I'll miss you like crazy."
     As he got in the truck to head out I cried and started to walk away, but by the time I turned around and took a few steps I felt a hand on my hip. Both hips.
     It was him. "What are you doing your going to be late?"" I can't do this I'm not leaving I am going to stay with you they will be fine without me."
       I jumped into his arms and started to cry. "Are you sure baby?"" Yes I am definitely sure about this."
At the end of the day we was in my room laying down talking about how we loved each other so much.
      He may not be your type of dream guy but he is mine and I'll always love him till the day I die even if he did me wrong he is still my one and only.

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