Chapter 56

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Sana returned to the Song family next day.

Song Joongki asked her what happened, but she didn't say anything. She seemed to be much quieter.

When Lisa went to school on Monday, Sana didn't come to class.

Lisa sighed. There was no hope for the female lead. Song Sana was terrified by Jungkook, and it was difficult to resolve the fear.

Sana came to the school two days later. When school was over to noon, Sana suddenly pulled Lisa and seemed to start awkwardly, "Thank You".

Sana also knew that If it weren't for Lisa, she might have been dead.

Lisa looked at her in surprise.

Sana seemed annoyed, "Don't look at me with that kind of eyes. You are the most pitiful person, I will see how Long you can live in his hands".

Lisa smiled beautifully, It seemed as the spring sunshine in October warmed up, "You're welcome".

Lisa thought for a while, then asked "How was your day?"

Song Sana looked at her pretty face, suddenly got a little depressed. She actually felt that Lisa, who had always been unsatisfactorily.....a little cute.

Sana felt terrible. she didn't speak to Lisa, and just took her bag and left.

Momo caught up, "Sana, what did you just say to Lisa?"

Sana pursed her lips, "It's nothing".

Momo looked subtle and suddenly asked, "I heard my dad say yesterday that CEO Jeon had a fiancee, her name is Lisa. Is it true?"

Sana stopped, "You think too much. How could a company as large as Jeon's take Lisa. What's more Lisa had become an adult, how can she get engaged?"

Momo still didn't think it was right. They were still in high school.

What was more, Jungkook's name was simply a myth in the business world. The Song family's background wasn't as good as their her family.

There was P.E class before school on Wednesday afternoon.

This was the only relaxing lesson that senior high school students had. The school called it "Body strengthening".

In the P.E class, there was class 4 and class 7 together.

Therefore, the relationship between the two classes was better than the other classes.

The students in class 4 were very excited this afternoon and Rose had been talking about it for a long time, "Basketball Friendship League. My God, I didn't expect to watch it again in the third year. It is a lifetime series! Lisa, let's go to our class together boys, come on!"

The weather was cold. Lisa smiled and said, "I will not go. I have to write a paper".

Rose said, "Please, let's go, I am so bored and embarrassed. I dare not go alone".

Lisa couldn't bear her begging, and nodded.

Rose cheered and got her snacks.

However, Rose thought more about it. In the last P.E class, she didn't have time to eat snacks. she was cheering and forgot the potato chips all the way.

Some people even bought dumplings in the stadium.

The girls in class 3 shouted frantically, "Come on for class 4"

Class 7 screamed, "Class 7 rise, you are the best!"

The teenagers on the filed were full of blood, running, passing and jumping.

Lisa only felt she was in the real world at this moment. They were young and lovely, with flesh and blood.

She looked at them and couldn't help smiling.

Lisa was actually only eighteen years old, almost as old as them. Lisa was shy for a while, and followed Rose in cheering, "Come on class 4 pass!"

At this time, Kim Taehyung passed the ball to his teammates.

He was tall and was wearing a dark blue jersey with a "29" written on the front and  "V" and class 4 on the back.

He looked cool while playing basketball. He was so handsome at the moment.

A lot of girls in class 7 screamed, "Taehyung, come on!"

"V come one"

"Kim Taehyung, come on school grass".

The boys in class 7, "Come on guys!"

Kim Taehyung couldn't hear it. After seeing the box of band-aid that was silently returned, he didn't talk to Lisa for many days, and the two returned to their original relationship.

Most of the time she was clever and quiet, and she was particularly cute when she couldn't figure put a quetion.

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