The Prank and the date(Final Chapter)

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He tried to straighten his hair all the way to the café, even knowing it was a lost cause. Suddenly he was on the street, and the sign was right there. Java Joe's! She was in there, waiting.

For him.

His phone buzzed, and he welcomed the distraction. It was a text from Ginny.

Good luck for your date

He could almost determine her tone of optimism. He'd succumbed to his nerves and told her all about coffee shop girl during their Friday night chat, and she seemed surprisingly upbeat about it, shutting down any ideas Harry may have had that anything could happen between the two of them, no matter how good they got along.

She texted again - Nervous?

Hell yeah! Think I may be leaving a trail of sweat.

She's just a woman, Harry. Chill.

Harry shook his head; Ginny just didn't get it. What if she's THE one?

Then you shouldn't keep her waiting.

He read her last message and nodded, pocketing his phone. He walked closer, chanting softly, "Don't mess this up, don't mess this up."

At the door he stopped to breathe into his palm, then sniffed. Still minty fresh, whew! He pushed the door open and stepped inside.

It was pretty crowded for a Saturday morning, most of the tables at the front were already taken, but she had mentioned she'd be waiting in a booth at the back. He looked at Seamus, busy behind the coffee machine, and damned if the Irishman didn't wink at him, and gesture to the back booth.

She was here.

In his pocket, his phone pinged again, and he fought the urge to take it out, one hundred percent positive it would be Ginny again. He tried to mentally message her. 'It's okay, I've got it from here.' At least she was being supportive, he supposed.

Taking a deep breath, he bypassed the crowd waiting for their takeaways, and saw her. She was sitting with her back to him, her glorious hair cascading down her back. Taking a deep breath, he quickly slid in opposite her and looked at her.

His heart skipped a beat. She was beautiful.


Ginny smiled nervously at him, dropping her phone. "Hello, Harry." Inwardly she was screaming. He was the hottie! And those eyes...

"Thanks for meeting me," he said, ignoring the beeping of his message tone.

"Thank you," she replied. "You can get that if you want." She indicated his pocket.

"Erm, I'll just check it then turn it off," he told her.

Hey Harry, I'm just stopping at that cafe to grab a coffee, wanted to make sure its the right one for our meeting tonight. Java Joe's, right?

Shit, Ginny was coming

"Sorry, I really need to reply to this," he apologised to her, looking up.

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