Chapter 1

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I went out of the cafe I work at to take out the trash; and I saw this familiar looking guy across the street, soaking wet from the rain... He looks tough, but he's kinda... Sad(?)

I brushed it off thinking that he'll go home any time soon, and just proceeded to throw the trash..

When I went back in, I remembered who that guy across the cafe was. He was one of my classmates at school, though I don't really remember what his name was.

The tough guy, who almost everybody in class feared, is looking sad and lonely across our cafe, ha. Sad.

My house is just a few minutes walk from here, I took out my raincoat and umbrella from my bag and started walking home.

I bid my boss and workmates goodnight. But as soon as I step out of the cafe, that guy is still there, outside in the pouring rain. Earlier, he only looked sad, but now... He's crying?

He's gonna catch a cold if he's gonna stay there much longer.

I can't bear seeing someone getting sick because of the rain, since I'm so kind and all, heh. And so, I approached him.

"Excuse me." I called to get his attention, but he didn't even look at me. Is my voice not loud enough?

"Excuse me!" I raised my voice a bit more, finally getting his attention. "Here's an umbrella. The weather's crazy, you might wanna use this." He just stared at me, looked up at the umbrella, then back at me, and said nothing.

This dude's really getting on my nerves... Just take the umbrella while I'm still nice... Does he think I'm a pervert that came out of nowhere or something? If that's the case, then I am highly offended..

I sighed, grabbing his hand, giving him my umbrella, then continuing on walking home...

But this 'worried for no reason' ass of mine wanted to check if that guy went home or not, so I turned around and checked. The dude is still there sitting like a lost pup, holding the umbrella I gave him.

That dude's really gonna die in this cold weather.

"Ughhh... " I groan, internally rolling my eyes, walking back towards the sad looking dude.

I don't even know why I'm doing this shit right now... Why am I so kind? jk.

"Hey." I called, again, he just blankly stared at me. "Are you not going back to your home or something?" I asked, but he said nothing.

Wait, is this dude deaf/mute or something?

Internally rolled my eyes once more. That's it. I've had enough. I pulled the big guy up.

Damn, he's heavy alright, but not heavy enough for my strength.. I'm strong.. HEH..

"Look. I know that you don't know me and all, and you prolly be thinking that I'm a weirdo or something... But I'm not gonna leave a dude like you, who looks like passing out any moment, all alone in this crazy weather." I explained while I helped him walk as if he was drunk..

Oh, about the umbrella... The wind blew it away. We used the raincoat I was using earlier.

At last, we're home, my home to be exact... I knocked on the door and my father was the one who opened it. "Sweetie! You're finally home." he said, looking worried, but still helped us in without any further questions. "Wait here, I'll go get you guys some towels".

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