Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Unedited (Playlist: Shine by Johnny Drille).


I sat across from our family doctor with John beside me. My two boys were born here, and I have to know if my baby was mistakenly switched. These things happen all the time, at least in movies. How else could I explain the fact that Chisom is not ours?

John and I agreed to ask Dr James to run the tests again to make sure that Dr Rita was right about her conclusions. I sat there looking like a complete fool.

I mean, I have never cheated on John. I tried to think back on our six years of marriage together. Never have I ever cheated.

"You have to review the test, Dr James," I say in unrest.

He turns to John looking the least bit fazed by my words, "Will you explain, or shall I do it for you John Nwafor?'' The anger in his tone stuns me. James and John are like brothers. He's like the third brother between John and Joshua.

''You f**king promised to never let it get this far after what happened with Amaka," James speaks, still glaring furiously at John. I've never seen him this upset before and his anger directed towards his best friend.

I speak up before John could say anything. ''John, you know I would never cheat. You and Chisom are identical, there has to be a much reasonable explanation for why he is not ours." I was holding unto him for fear that he might think the worst.

"I believe you." He cooed, and I felt safe in his arms. He trusts me. ''Chisom is yours, not mine.'' His voice sounds distant, almost foreign to my ears. What is he talking about?

''Jane, I did not mean for any of this to happen. please believe me.'' His voice was scratchy. I have never seen my John lose his cool. He is the confident one between us.

''What do you mean? You are scaring me, love.'' I whisper yell at John.

The Doctor excused himself from the room. I could have sworn that the temperature in the room dropped.

''Yo..u. Wee. Chisom is yours and dads child.'' He breathes out, I almost did not hear him. I stand up to walk to the end of the room. I need to breathe before I collapse.

'''' I manage to speak.

''The night of the rape. God... Jane please...'' I cut him off before he could plead his case.

''Damn you! I deserve to know.'' I yell.

''I will, but let us go home.'' he made a move to leave, but my feet refused to move.

''No John, you don't get to decide. Not today.'' I took a firm stance, with hands akimbo. He is not ordering me around like a lost puppy today.

''What happened the night of the rape?'' I asked.

''My dad... he gave me an option. It was either a one night with you, or risk exposing the truth to Joshua.'' he sounded miserable, and I couldn't help but wonder.

''So. I was the sacrificial lamb. What are you so afraid of?''

''MaryJane, it will ruin my family. Joshua will never forgive me, and I...''

''And you thought, oh Jane is naive and easy to sway. You let your father put his disgusting hands on me while you stood there watching?'' I roared.

''How true was Kemi's version of the truth? She was right, wasn't she?'' My heart was pounding so hard, ears ringing... God, I am a fool. I am such a naive fool. Gullible!

''I want to be free, John. I don't want the kids. You can have them. I just want a damn divorce!'' I could not hold the tears at bay. It was free falling.

''You don't get it, do you? Death is your only freedom. My father will kill us both for ruining his reputation. He is a prestigious man in society, that is the most valued possession. We are merely pawns in his game.'' John declared.

''You despise me forever? I can live with that. But, I cannot set you loose. I will never forgive myself if something were to happen to you. I'm sorry.'' I could hear the finality in his tone. That infuriated me more.


John drove me home that evening. I sat on the dining chair, him on the floor and he told me the story of my life. The version that ruined my romantic version of events. John was no prince charming. He did not sweep me off my feet. The death of Grandma Kachi gave him the opening he needed to prey on me. A defenceless orphan child from the south.

Our argument the night of the rape gave him a reason to show me how much of a man he was. His theory of drugging me was to make sure I have no memory or an incomplete version of that day. A believe that I will come around and forgive him afterwards since I had assumed he was the perpetrator. So, I just lay there without struggling. At the time, I thought I was just letting him have his way because resisting will rile him up the more. That was the drugs speaking through me. I surrendered to that old man without a fight. How disgusting! I feel manipulated, so cheated by both father and son.

Amaka was Johns ex-girlfriend from school who got pregnant for Mr Nwafor.
But, Amaka was quick to abort her child and move on from a destructive life before it was too late. I am not the first victim, the only difference is that I am deep in the mess. Six years of my life and devotion. Now, there's a child as evidence for what Mr Nwafor did to me. What a cursed family this is.

I moved my stuff to the guest room. Before banging the door on John, I made sure he understood what it meant, ''I am dead to you John. Whenever you see me, look the other way. I will also pretend not to see you. Honestly, I do not see you.''

I was exhausted at the first peak of dawn. I slept through the day without caring how the kids were doing or if they made it to school. The bed is a permanent place. As long as I am here, I don't have to worry about reality.


Authors note

Hey lovelies,

Season's greetings!

Christmas is around the corner. Are the Nwafors doing anything special for Christmas?

John sure is serving it hot in the next chapter.

Remember to vote and leave thoughts on this chapter.

May we meet again

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