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Now here are the forms ;)

Cover form:

TITLE: the title of the book
AUTHOR: the author's name/username
SUBTITLE: optional
GENRE: genre of your book
MOOD: sad, dark, light, fun, cheerful, romantic, mysterious, creepy etc.
COLOURS: light, dark, red themed, blue themed etc.
FACECLAIM: the cast member for your protagonist and/or other characters
DESCRIPTION: a description of you book's storyline (make sure you description is useful to us!)
STYLE: minimal/simple/manip. (Be warned dark themed covers will turn out like complete shit, and most likely I will just deny your request.)
NUMBER: the number of covers you would like to choose from. (I usually do better if allowed 2-4 covers haha)
EXTRAS: anything extra you want on the cover
MENTION: please tag me in your form so I don't miss it vadboy

Header form (I only do wattpad headers, and I am new at them so I'm sorry for that):

TITLE/WRITING: any main writing you want on your header
NAME(S): any usernames or names
SUBTITLE: optional extra writing
MOOD: sad, dark, light, fun, cheerful, romantic, mysterious, creepy etc.
COLOURS: light, dark, red themed, blue themed etc.
FACECLAIM: optional: the cast member or description of any person you want on your header
RELATIONS: does your header collaborate or have something to do with any books (wattpad or other)/movies/other?
STYLE: minimalistic, simplistic, manip (Be warned dark themed covers will turn out like complete shit, and most likely I will just deny your request).
NUMBER: the number of headers you would like to choose from. (I usually do better if allowed 2-4 covers haha.)
EXTRAS: anything extra you want on the header
MENTION: please tag me in your form so I don't miss it vadboy

And that's all 😇
- sienna

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