BB and James

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I hated school. I hated coming home, too. I had no friends anywhere, and the only reaction I had with other kids my age was when they wanted to pick on me. I hated going to school, but I hated going home much more. Dad was never home and mom just sat in front of the TV all day drinking her red juice and downing bottles of pills prescribed to her from the doctor.

No matter what I did mother would never pay me any attention, it didn't matter if I got 100% on a spelling test or if I didn't attend school at all, but don't feel pity for me. I'm really happy, and I have so many friends to play with now! It's all thanks to the help of BB!

Past London,

The first time I met big brother was when school had just ended, and I had finally pushed my way outside. I didn't see Shelly confidently making her way towards me with her group of friends right behind her, and before I knew it I was pushed to the ground and they started kicking me all over.

A few of her friends joined in while the others ripped apart my schoolbooks and rubbed my backpack in the dirt. They kept kicking me and telling me how I'm "Just a waste of space," and that I should just disappear. They eventually stopped when I wouldn't try to run away or fight back. I refused to cry or shout out for help while they hurt me, but as soon as they were gone I quietly sobbed to myself thinking how I know I'm a waste of space and that I wouldn't be here if I had the courage to stay home.

I was picking up the last of the torn pages and stuffing them into my backpack when I spotted him. It was getting dark and cold quickly but I tensed up as soon as I spotted someone sitting on the school's water fountain. Since the school I went to was a prestigious private school they had elementary, middle and high school classes in three large wings of the same building; so it didn't come as too much of a surprise to see a high school boy wearing a similar uniform loitering about.

What caught me so off guard was his hair and eyes. His hair looked like an old persons hair: grey, while his eyes were a very icy blue color. It was such an odd sight to see, a teenager with completely grey hair while having the eyes of a clear blue morning. I kept staring at him, almost as if in a trance, until those eyes turned to meet mine. I was frozen, I got a chill down my spine while I tried to steady my breathing as I stared back at him.

I was scared, obviously, but I was also more than curious to see what he would do. I quickly looked away and started to grab the ripped papers and shove them into my bag once again when I hear a whistle come from his direction. I jumped a little from the noise and slowly looked back to the weird teenager. He looked at me with great intensity, and he signaled for me to come over with his hand while putting on a warm smile. I hesitated, but eventually I decided to make my way over to him.

Once I got in front of him he didn't say anything immediately, but just kept looking down. When I was about to ask him what he wanted he spoke; "You okay?" It took me a second to realize that he must of been watching me get beaten up, and it made my face flame in embarrassment.

"Y-yeah. You saw?" I stuttered a bit when replying so I cleared my voice before asking him if he saw. Which, when I think about it now, was a stupid question. I mean, of course he saw it! Why else would he be asking if I was alright. My face further flushes in embarrassment. He looked down at me with an unreadable expression for a bit, and then smiled again.

"Yes, and I must say bravo for not crying in front of her. I know that it takes a lot of control to not break out bawling while getting hurt repeatedly." He leaned back while keeping his eyes on me and stretched out his back before relaxing once again into a comfortable position.

"You know? How, were you bullied to?" I ask him, surprised, because he doesn't act or look like someone whose been bullied before.

"Well I wasn't exactly Mr. Popular with this hair and these eyes as a kid. Nope, people tend to ostracize others that don't look, act and speak like everyone else. Ya' know?" He spread his arms over the fountains edge leisurely while looking towards the sky as he talked.

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