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Its time for breakfast

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Its time for breakfast.

Its time for breakfast

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Is it already late ??

W-What a beauty-

Good Morning, Little Penia. Why are you out of breath?
Did you walk here from your room all by your self ?

 Why are you out of breath?Did you walk here from your room all by your self ?

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At moments like this, i just Can't help but want to-

Lift you up!

Mother your spoiling her

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Mother your spoiling her.

Well kids are supposed to be spoiled! Am i right penia?

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Well kids are supposed to be spoiled! Am i right penia?

Well kids are supposed to be spoiled! Am i right penia?

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How cute would it be if Giorno could also act like a baby***.

A baby!

Please stop saying things like that. I just came to pick you up for breakfast.

 I just came to pick you up for breakfast

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Okey then , little penia. lets go together.


So soft.

I never knew a mother's embrace could be this warm....

I never knew a mother's embrace could be this warm

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Get out !!!!!

Why are you still here ?! If it weren't for you

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Why are you still here ?!
If it weren't for you........

Why are you still here ?! If it weren't for you

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I wish i never give birth to you!!

I wish i never give birth to you!!

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         END CHAPTER 8

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         END CHAPTER 8

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