"Time Passes" or "New Friends"

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"Good, now copy what I say; Waltz, bad nymph, for quick jigs vex." Your metallic writing utensil scratches over the thick paper to scrawl the verbal example into visual fruition below the other examples you had worked on for most of the day. These mostly include things like;

Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.

The five boxing wizards jump quickly.

A wizard's job is to vex chumps quickly in fog.

& So on. Arcee says these silly things are called pangrams & that they're supposed to be helping you learn how to write the alphabet along with a few of the words that can be shaped with them. You had been learning literacy through Arcee, Ratchet, Chromia, Lancer & a few trusted others along with physical educations; mostly self-defense & camouflage lessons. 

"There, is this any better?" You felt self-conscious over your Z's, C's, J's, Q's, & G's, though you hated your S's the most. Arcee is as patient as ever & has doted on you far more than you thought she would at first as she looks over the carefully printed writing your servo hauled from your audiles. 

"Much better. Your letters are facing the right ways & your words are starting to look uniform, but you'll need to go back & focus on your O's because they look like 0's [zeros]." She glances to the sundial in the yard through the cleaned window with a low sigh. 

"Alright, time for a break. Get up, stretch, you know the routine, Y/N." You nod, rising from the modest kitchen table clad in papers & books to step outside & stretch with trained ease. By now, it had been a few weeks since your check-up, the cart trip to the market, & the whole separation from your dismal life. It felt like it was just this morning that everything had happened to you even though it wasn't. You spot two figures shuffling about in the bushes as you chuckle at their attempts to see if one of your stretches would make your petticoat fluff up to where they could sneak a stealthy peek at your leg. 

"Jetstorm, Jetfire, I can see you two! Come out from those bushes!" You laugh out to them as their heads slowly rise from the foliage. They weren't very old satyrs/fauns, so their elders' iconic horns had yet to grow much past little spikes on their heads. Their strange accents, fluffy limbs, & persistence won much of your platonic affections, earning them a new friend. You met them nearly a two & a half weeks ago after you grew tired of cowering behind your curtains, under your blankets like a frightened sparkling. You worried over Arcee & her home. Were they, at the time only known as shadows to you, assassins, robbers, thugs? You didn't know, but you knew you had a burning want to protect your new home, thus leading to you grabbing one of the fireplace's rod-mounted cooking implements as a 'weapon' & crept outside, being sure to close the door securely behind you. You had grown bolder in your short time with Arcee, opting for a short-sleeved calf-length night dress in a more mature theme then the cutesy floral ones you were used to finding in the dresser in your room. You rounded the corner of the house's front to see the 'strange, intimidating monstrosities' standing below your second-story window, plotting to find a way up to & through it to take you somewhere. 

You yell at them with a sharp "Hey!" to startle them into looking at you in surprise. They greeted you warmly, thanking you for saving them the trouble of trying to scale the secured home of the frightening Sorceress of Kaon Woods. 

"Who the Pits are you two & why are you creeping on Arcee's house!?" Your ferocity startles them as they peer to one another. 

"We have been sent by Sentinel Prime to-" The orange one's words catch in his throat as you snarl. 

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