Introduction and Information About Them

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Guzmán Nunier Osuna = Leader of the Tamales Locos, Nadia Shanaa's boyfriend and the hyperactive one of his squad and has both arms covered in tattoos

Ander Muñoz = The one with a scar on his right side of his face, multiple ear piercings, the violent one and Omar Shanaa's boyfriend

Omar Shanaa = Ander Muñoz's boyfriend and always gets into a lot of trouble with the cops and the law and smokes too much cigarettes

Samuel García Domínguez = Guzmán's best friend and also known as the supportive one of the gang and Carla Rosón Caleruega's boyfriend

Valerio Montesinos Rojas = Lu's step - brother and the one who has a lot of personal issues and has a drinking addiction

Patrick Blanco Commerford = Benjamín Blanco's son and the brother of Ari (twin sister) and Mencía (younger sister).

Phillipe Florian von Tiresenberg = Cayetana Grajera Pando's ex-boyfriend, the rich and influencial one in the group, also known as the money giver. He has a horrible past but doesn't want to talk about it

Antonio "Tony" Santos Rodríguez = Sandra López Gallego's young boyfriend and he is the troublemaker with a long crime history with anyone who cared about him over the years

Daniel Tiago Ramos = The lawbreaker he is a ladies man and also he always carry around dangerous weapons and switch blades

Lev Dmitrevich Julio Zarejas Tolochkin = Lev is half Spanish and half Russian. His mom is Spanish while his dad is Russian but has a long back story from his childhood days and makes money less than 10 seconds

Dmitri Rulsanovich Tolochkin = Lev's father and his biggest supporter and tries to give his son the best he could to make sure his son is living the best life he can possibly have and addicted to drinking alcohol

Carla Rosón Caleruega = Samuel García Domínguez's girlfriend and is always doing something really evil and she goes by her nickname “Evil Barbie” which some people called her and steals money from people

Cayetana Grajera Pando = Phillipe Florian von Tiresenberg's ex-girlfriend and makes up lies so people could believe her and her nickname is “Lying Barbie” as the result

Rebeka "Rebe" Bormujo Ávalos = Sandra López Gallego's daughter and Mencía Blanco Commerford's girlfriend “Narco Barbie” is her nickname that was given by Lu from their highschool days and carries a rifle

Lucrecia "Lu" Montesinos Hendrich = Valerio Montesinos Rojas step-sister and also known as the “Latina Barbie” she decided to call herself that

Ariadna "Ari" Blanco Commerford = Benjamín Blanco's daughter and is the sister of Patrick (twin brother) and Mencía (younger sister) and carries around a knife

Mencía Blanco Commerford = Benjamín Blanco's youngest daughter and is the younger sister of Ari and Patrick (older twin siblings) and is Rebeka "Rebe" Bormujo Ávalos' girlfriend and Sandra López Gallego's daughter in law and she can hack ATMs in under 1 minute

Sandra López Gallego = Rebeka Bormujo Ávalos' mother and is the girlfriend of Tony Santos Rodríguez who is only 20 years younger than her and she was arrested for drug charges when her daughter was still in highschool

Vladislava Dmitrevna Julio Zarejas Tolochkina = Lev Dmitrevich Julio Zarejas Tolochkin's older sister and is the daughter of Dmitri Rulsanovich Tolochkin and Valerie Julio Zarejas and she been stealing money ever since she was 7 years old

Valerie Julio Zarejas = Is the wife of Dmitri Rulsanovich Tolochkin and is the mother of Vladislava Dmitrevna Julio Zarejas Tolochkina and Lev Dmitrevich Julio Zarejas Tolochkin. She had a baby girl named Larissa before Vladislava and Lev but she died from stillbirth at her 35 week pregnancy

Lucía Álverez Santiago = Is not just only atypical 21 year old. She is half Spanish half Filipino and has pale skin, brown hair, and fair grayish blue eyes. She is currently expecting her first child but she is the one who has been giving out dangerous weapons and distributing to others

Maxine Lombardi = Is a good friend of Lucía and is always ready to complete any types of missions with her partner in crime and she is the gun giver and she is half Argentinian and half Italian

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2021 ⏰

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