Chapter 22

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Here's chapter 22!

Word Count: 2683 words



"You were paralyzed, it's understandable." She said, "A one-on-one fight with Stain is hard, especially since it only take a scratch for him to get you. We were four on one, and we only won because he messed up, forgot about Midoriya recovering and Iida's recipro."



Third person P.O.V

The guy who screamed at them was apparently Gran Torino, a retired pro who Midoriya was interning under. He had told Midoriya to stay behind (likely because of the law they broke that she's trying to not think about), but clearly he didn't. They all had to sit there as he scolded Midoriya, and the other pros who arrived freaked out over the fact that four school children just took out the hero killer.

"The three of you were hurt because of me. I apologize." They turned back and saw Iida apologizing to them. "I-I was blind...I lost sight of everything."

"No, I'm sorry too. I didn't notice that you were so upset over this, and I'm supposed to be your friend.."

Todoroki scoffed lightly "You're the class president, aren't you? Pull it together." Iida inhaled before straightening. There seemed to be some unspoken addition to what Todoroki said that Iida understood.

"Yes...yes, I suppose I am. Thank you Todoroki."

"GET DOWN!" Gran Torino screeched out, pulling Ghost down, who was closest to him.

A Nomu, one with wings, dived down towards them. It grabbed Midoriya as it flew by, ignoring the rest of them. "Midoriya!" She stood up, trying to look around for a shadow tall enough to help - one she could control.

She heard a rustling, and her vision trained on Stain, who broke free of his bonds and licked blood off of one of the heroes cheek. The Nomu dropped Midoriya then fell, Stain pouncing on it.

"The society of fakes, and the criminals who wield their power in the name of petty mischief are targets of my purge. All for the sake of a better society." She was stuck in the middle of the group of pros who definitely wouldn't let her pass and fight Stain, so she just kept an eye out for any more Nomu. Stain slashed through the Nomu's brain, likely killing it.

He was standing over Midoriya, and she was itching to go help. The heroes around her started planning for action, but someone beat them to it.

"What are you all doing, huddled up? One of them should have come your way!"

"Whoa, you're already finished?"

"Yeah...I had to get a little rough though." His focus shifted to the scene in front of them. "The Hero Killer...?"

"Todoroki wait!" Gran Torino reached out in an attempt to stop him from interfering in a hostage situation. Stain turned, hearing the voice, and the air became thicker. The aura he was giving off was worse than the one from the alley, and this one wasn't even directed at her. She wants to say she's sorry for Endeavour, but she's really not. He kind of deserves it, after well...everything.

"You fake! If I don't fix it, if someone isn't stained with blood...if I don't restore the ideas of heroism! Come at me you fakes! The only one allowed to kill me is All Might! You fakes..." He trailed off as he stopped in place, seemingly frozen.

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